28: Wicked Nabal, Impulsive David, and Wise Abigail ( 1Samuel 25:1 - 25)
Chapter 25 describes David's response to being insulted by Nabal, a wealthy but foolish and wicked rancher. This happened after Samuel’s death. 👉 Read 1Samuel 25:1 - 25 Q1. How does the Bible describe about Nabal and Abigail? (vv 2-3) Answers 👉 Nabal: very wealthy. But he was harsh and his deeds were evil. Abigail: wise and beautiful Later verses illustrate what these assessments imply. Nabal was not listening (v17), was foolish (v25), and enjoyed feasts (v36). Abigail was wise as she reacted quickly (v18), was willing to take the blame for her husband (v24), and made good judgments (v33). Q2. (4 – 11) Compare David’s attitude and Nabal’s response. Identify expressions where David humbly and politely requests food. (v 6 – 8) How did Nabal describe David? (v 10) Answer 👉 These expressions show David’s polite request: ‘my brother’ (v6), ‘your servants and you son David’, and ‘whatever you can spare’ (v8). However, Nabal called David a ‘runaway slave.’ Naba...