
28: Wicked Nabal, Impulsive David, and Wise Abigail ( 1Samuel 25:1 - 25)

Chapter 25 describes David's response to being insulted by Nabal, a wealthy but foolish and wicked rancher. This happened after Samuel’s death. 👉 Read 1Samuel 25:1 - 25 Q1. How does the Bible describe about Nabal and Abigail? (vv 2-3) Answers 👉 Nabal: very wealthy. But he was harsh and his deeds were evil. Abigail: wise and beautiful Later verses illustrate what these assessments imply. Nabal was not listening (v17), was foolish (v25), and enjoyed feasts (v36). Abigail was wise as she reacted quickly (v18), was willing to take the blame for her husband (v24), and made good judgments (v33). Q2. (4 – 11) Compare David’s attitude and Nabal’s response. Identify expressions where David humbly and politely requests food. (v 6 – 8) How did Nabal describe David? (v 10)  Answer 👉 These expressions show David’s polite request: ‘my brother’ (v6), ‘your servants and you son David’, and ‘whatever you can spare’ (v8). However, Nabal called David a ‘runaway slave.’  Naba...

27: David honored the Lord and spared His anointed ( 1Samuel 24:1 – 22)

After returning from the fight with the Philistines, Saul resumed pursuing David. The Philistine intervention had only a temporary effect. However, this time, the Lord delivered Saul into David's hands. But David spared his life. 👉 Read 1Samuel 24:1 - 22 Q1. (1 – 7) When David was given a chance to kill Saul, what did his servants say, and what did David say? Compare their speeches. (verses 4 and 6) Answer 👉 David's servants (V4): the Lord gave this chance. David (v6): I would not harm the Lord's chosen one. Q2. Find verses that David says ‘the Lord’s chosen one’. Answer 👉 Verses 6 and 10. Verse 7: David ordered his men not to kill Saul. David could let them do whatever they want and later he could blame them. Or David could have arrested Saul to get rid of the threat. However, David knew God was able to rescue him in any circumstance and chose to honor Him and His plan. Q3. (8 – 15) We can summarize David’s words to Saul in two sentences (9 – 11,...

26: Experiencing God on the Edge of Death ( 1Samuel 23:1 – 29)

After David and his men returned to Judah, the threat from Saul intensified, placing their everyday lives on the brink of death. Yet, it was during these moments that they experienced the Lord's presence more profoundly. 👉 Read 1Samuel 23:1 - 29 Q1. When David heard that the Philistines had attacked Keilah, he asked God if he should go and fight. Why did he ask twice? Answer 👉 The people were reluctant to go. David inquired of the Lord once more, and the Lord explicitly confirmed their victory. Some were displeased about returning to Judah from Moab (3). Moreover, moving out to Keilah seemed reckless, as it would expose their location and attract Saul’s army. However, upon a second inquiry, the Lord explicitly confirmed their victory. David’s intervention in Keilah foreshadows his emerging role as king. After returning to Judah, his priorities extended beyond merely preserving his own life or escaping Saul; even in turbulent times, he sought divine guidance. Q2. W...

25: Saul executes the priests of the Lord ( 1Samuel 22:6 – 23)

Saul killed the priests of the Lord and, thus, made himself an enemy of the Lord. 👉 Read 1Samuel 22:6 - 23 Q1. According to Saul's complaint (v.6-8), what did Jonathan do to protect David? Answers 👉 Jonathan made a covenant with David and arranged for someone to watch over Saul. Q2. The King of Israel was a servant of God and needed to listen to God's words. Therefore, the king should not reign over prophets or priests. However, he used the priest of God as his personal servant (1 Sam. 14:4, 18-19). Saul exercised authority over the priests as pagan kings did. Find the supporting verses for this statement (from v.11-19). Answer 👉 v.12, v.13?, v.17. Q3. Find verses from 1 Sam. 2:30-36 that foretold the massacre of Eli's family. Answers 👉 v.31, v.32. Q4. Why did David feel guilty about their deaths? Answers 👉 David saw Doeg there and realized what might happen, yet he failed to take proper action. Saul went too far by killing the...

24: Not a Refugee, but a Trainee ( 1Samuel 21:1 – 22:5)

David fled for his life, seeking refuge either in Philistine territory or with the king of Moab. However, the Lord commanded him to return to Judah. 👉 Read 1Samuel 21:1 - 22:5 Q1. David went to Ahimelech, the priest in Nob. When Ahimelech asked David how he alone came, what did he answer?  Answers 👉 The mission was urgent and came alone. David lied. Q2. Only priests were supposed to eat the showbread (aka the Bread of Presence) (Lev 24:9). Were the priest and David guilty of violating the law? Answer 👉 Yes.  It was not ordinary bread but ‘holy’ bread, permitted only for priests. David lied and exaggerated, claiming that his ‘imaginary’ soldiers and their equipment were ‘holy.’ The Bible again states that there was no other food (v. 6) and provides an excuse for their act. However, they were not free from the charge of breaking the law. Yet, the Lord exonerated them—not because they had no food, but by His mercy. We know this because the Lord later talked ...

23: Jonathan chooses David over his own father ( 1Samuel 20:1 – 42)

While Saul chose to oppose David despite recognizing that the Lord was with him, Jonathan chose to stand with David in a covenantal relationship, which brought persecution upon him. 👉 Read 1Samuel 20:1 - 42 Q1. (1 – 8) Because Jonathan saved David in chapter 19, Saul kept the assassination order from Jonathan. This explains why Jonathan initially refused to believe that his father intended to kill David (v.    ). In response, David asked Jonathan to verify for himself whether Saul had truly decided to kill him. He even went so far as to say that if he were guilty, he would rather have (        ) kill him than fall into Saul’s hands. Through this, David appealed to Jonathan’s faithfulness in their (          ) relationship. Answers 👉 Because Jonathan saved David in chapter 19, Saul kept the assassination order from Jonathan. This explains why Jonathan initially refused to believe that his father intended to kill David (v...

22: An evil spirit & God’s spirit upon Saul ( 1Samuel 19:1 – 24)

Saul keeps seeking to eliminate David. But this is a part of God’s plan. 👉 Read 1Samuel 19:1 - 24 Q1. (1 – 7) When Jonathan spoke on David’s behalf to his father Saul, what was Saul’s response?  Answers 👉 “As surely as the Lord lives, he will not be put to death.” Q2. (8 – 10) What do you think led Saul to attempt to kill David again? (8,9) Answer 👉 An evil spirit from the Lord & envy Several verses state that the evil spirit from the Lord came upon Saul. (16:14, 23; 18:10; 19:9) Would the Lord be responsible if Saul were to kill David, given that he was instigated by an evil spirit from the Lord? Since David’s anointing, Saul has become an instrument in the Lord’s hand to discipline David. He was merely a tool in God's sovereign plan. However, this does not absolve Saul of guilt because his hostility toward David stems from his jealousy and envy.  His heart was filled with envy and jealousy, which provided a habitat for the evil spirit. We should rep...

21: Saul feared David & David Became Saul's Son-in-Law ( 1Samuel 18:1 – 30)

Saul attempted to kill David multiple times but failed. Despite recognizing that the Lord was with David, Saul opposed him—the Lord’s anointed successor to the throne. 👉 Read 1Samuel 18:1 - 30 Q1. (1 – 11) This passage highlights how David was widely welcomed and admired by everyone. Jonathan loved David as much as his (      ). Saul’s (       ) and the entire army favored David as their leader. The women celebrated his return from battle, singing, "Saul has struck down his (       ), but David his (       )!" This made Saul (                 ). Saul threw the (         ) to kill David but failed. Answers 👉 This passage highlights how David was widely welcomed and admired by everyone. Jonathan loved David as much as his ( own life ). Saul’s ( servants ) and the entire army favored David as their leader. The women celebrated his ret...

20: David & Goliath: I am coming in the name of the Lord ( 1Samuel 17:34 – 58)

David risked his life for God’s reputation. 👉 Read 1Samuel 17:34 - 58 Q1. How could David be confident in his victory? (two. V34-37, v45-46) Answers 👉 God will protect me as He has protected me from the wild beasts. God will restore his reputation David did not claim that he was strong enough to kill lions and bears; rather, he recognized that the Lord had protected him from those beasts. Facing Goliath was certainly more daunting than fighting animals, but from God’s perspective, Goliath was no different from them. David trusted God’s faithfulness—whether against a lion or a giant, he believed the Lord would protect him. Moreover, David knew that the living God would not allow His name to be defied without bringing judgment upon the blasphemer. The fact that Goliath was struck down by a boy made it clear that Goliath was killed by God. David was a stick in God’s hand. Do you believe that God’s name will one day fill the earth as the waters cover the sea? So, why don’t you ...

19: The Holy Wrath: Who is this uncircumcised? ( 1Samuel 17:1 – 33)

The battle between David and Goliath was the first event after David’s anointing as king. Additionally, it was after this victory that Saul began to take notice of David.  👉 Read 1Samuel 17:1 - 33 Q1. (1 – 11) Setting: Israel was discouraged before the Philistines. The (        ) and the Israelites have set up camp on opposing hills, facing each other in a standoff (1 – 3). Goliath came out from the Philistine camp, and he was (           ) feet tall, and his spear-head weighed (          ) shekels (4 – 7). He (          ) Israel’s troops and challenged for a one-on-one match. (          ) and all Israelites were upset and very afraid. (8 – 11) Answers 👉 The ( Philistines ) and the Israelites have set up camp on opposing hills, facing each other in a standoff (1 – 3). Goliath came out from the Philistine camp, and he was ( seven ) feet tall, and h...

18: I have selected a king for myself ( 1Samuel 16:1 – 23)

King Saul was chosen based on the people's criteria—a warrior king. After Saul's failure, the Lord chose David, revealing the kind of king He desired. David also foreshadowed the future King whom God ultimately intended to send. 👉 Read 1Samuel 16:1 - 23 Q1. When the Lord told Samuel to go and anoint a new king, why was he afraid of doing so? (v2, 4) Answers 👉 Saul might have killed Samuel if he knew.  At this point, we see that Saul became obsessed with holding onto the throne after being told that God had rejected him. But what a striking reality—should the prophet, entrusted with the Lord’s work, be so deeply concerned about the very king whom the Lord anointed? From this moment in Israel’s history, kings became dominant figures who not only influenced the people's spiritual lives but also posed a threat to the ministers of the Lord. Q2. Why did God reject the three oldest sons of Jesse? Answer 👉 Their hearts were not ready. God sees the heart.  Even ...

17: Saul is rejected because he was not fixable ( 1Samuel 15:1 – 34)

In the previous chapters, we see several flaws in Saul. His heart was not fully dedicated to the Lord (13:14). He relied on the size of his army and was unwilling to engage in battle. Nevertheless, he sought credit for the victory, which led him to make a foolish oath. Despite all these shortcomings, the Lord granted him victories, and his kingdom became strong and secure. However, in chapter 15, his explicit disobedience caused him to be officially rejected by God. 👉 Read 1Samuel 15:1 - 34 Q1. Verses 1–6 show that this is the Lord’s war. Saul is anointed by (     ) and, therefore, must listen to the Lord’s commands delivered through him. The Lord is taking vengeance against the Amalekites for what they had done to the Israelites during the Exodus ( verse    ). Specifically, He ordered Saul to destroy (    ) belonging to the Amalekites. Saul understood the order and warned (    ) to separate themselves from the Amalekites, as they ...

16: Saul’s oath was revealed foolish ( 1Samuel 14:24 – 52)

Saul, consumed by vain ambition, makes a rash oath. As a result, the entire army becomes exhausted and eventually falls into the sin of eating animals with the blood still in them. Though he made this oath to showcase his bravery, it ultimately led to his disgrace. 👉 Read 1Samuel 14:24 - 52 Q1. What was the oath Saul made the army swear? Find verses that portray Saul’s oath negatively in verses 24 – 30. Answers 👉 “Cursed be the man who eats food before evening.” Verse 24. Verses 28 – 30:  Saul made this oath out of his zeal to finish the Philistines. Note that the narrative starts with Saul’s oath and its effects rather than the battle report. Jonathan disagrees with Saul’s taking the oath.  Q2. The (           ) exhausted them, so they ate the animals with blood. When Saul heard it, he said, ‘All of you have broken the (           )!’ Saul prepared a (              ...

15: Jonathan’s courageous faith vs Hesitant Saul ( 1Samuel 14:1 – 23)

While Saul passively sat under a tree, observing the troops' movements, Jonathan boldly trusted the Lord and attacked the Philistine outpost. 👉 Read 1Samuel 14:1 - 23 Q1. While Saul was sitting under a (                    ), (              ) attacked a Philistine garrison without letting his father (             ). Saul had Ahijah carrying an (              ) for the purpose of divination. Answers 👉 While Saul was sitting under a ( pomegranate tree  ), ( Jonathan  ) attacked a Philistine garrison without letting his father ( know ). Saul had Ahijah carrying an ( ephod  ) for the purpose of divination. Why didn’t Jonathan report this attack to Saul? Likely because Saul had no intention of provoking a battle. Even when the Philistines began raiding Israelite towns (13:15–18), Saul took no action. The Bible si...