
27: An era ends (Josh 24:29 - 33)

The Book of Joshua ends with the death and burial of eyewitnesses of the Lord’s amazing works.  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 24:29 - 33 Q1. Joshua, the Lord’s (             ), died at 110. Israel worshipped the Lord as long as (             ) and the elderly men who (                  ) everything the Lord had done for Israel remained alive. Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Joshua, the Lord’s ( servant  ), died at 110. Israel worshipped the Lord as long as ( Joshua ) and the elderly men who ( experienced ) everything the Lord had done for Israel remained alive. Joshua was the assistant of Moses, at the beginning of the book (1:1). At the end of the book, he is called the Lord’s servant. It is sad to read that they seemed not to worship the Lord after those eyewitnesses passed away. Q2. They buried Joshua in his (                 ) in Timnath Serah. The bones of Joseph were buried at (            ) in the field that Jacob bought from the sons of Hamor. So it became the (               ) of the tribe of Jose

26: Israel renews its commitment to the Lord (Josh 24:1 – 28)

They committed to serving the Lord at Shechem. However, it seems that they didn’t know who the Lord was.  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 24:1 - 28 Q1. (1 – 13) The Lord Himself recounts His gracious deeds for Israel. He called Abraham from a house of (          ) and gave him many descendants (2-4). He delivered them from Egypt and miraculously rescued them at the (            ) (5-7). On the east side of the Jordan, He defeated the two Amorite kings for them and thwarted (           )’s attempt to curse them (8-10). He handed over the Canaanite nations to Israel and allowed them to enjoy the harvests they had not (           ) for (11-13). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ The Lord Himself recounts His gracious deeds for Israel. He called Abraham from a house of ( idolatry ) and gave him many descendants (2-4). He delivered them from Egypt and miraculously rescued them at the ( Red Sea ) (5-7). On the east side of the Jordan, He defeated the two Amorite kings for them and thwarted ( Balaam )’s attempt to curse t

25: Joshua challenged Israel: Love the Lord your God (Josh 23:1 – 16)

As death nears him, Joshua summoned the leaders of Israel and encouraged them to love and obey the Lord. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 23:1 - 16 Q1. Now, Joshua has become very (        ) (1). He summoned all Israel and said, “You saw everything the Lord (              ) did for you. He (         ) for you (2-3).  See, I have parceled out to your tribes this land (4). The Lord (              ) will drive them out, so you can occupy their land as He (            ) you (5). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Now, Joshua has become very ( old ) (1). He summoned all Israel and said, “You saw everything the Lord ( your God ) did for you. He ( fights ) for you (2-3).  See, I have parceled out to your tribes this land (4). The Lord ( your God ) will drive them out, so you can occupy their land as He ( promised ) you (5). At the beginning of the Book of Joshua, after Moses' death, the Lord encouraged Joshua, who needed to lead Israel to conquer the land, to keep His commands. Joshua encouraged the Israelites, who were

24: The Altar of Witness (Josh 22:1 – 34)

On their way home, the two and a half tribes east of the Jordan built an altar before crossing the river. As a result, the other nine and a half tribes prepared to attack them. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 22:1 - 34 Q1. Joshua commended the eastern tribes for having completed the task given to them by (        ), Joshua, and (           ) (1-3). As he sent them back to their homeland, Joshua exhorted them to love the Lord and obey His (          ) (4-5). Also, Joshua (             ) them so that they returned home with great wealth (6 – 9).  Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Joshua commended the eastern tribes for having completed the task given to them by ( Moses ), Joshua, and ( the Lord ) (1-3). As he sent them back to their homeland, Joshua exhorted them to love the Lord and obey His ( commands ) (4-5). Also, Joshua ( rewarded ) them so that they returned home with great wealth (6 – 9).  Note that Joshua commended their faithfulness and rewarded them.  Q2. When they built another altar, what did the othe

23: The Levitical Cities (Josh 21:1 – 45)

A total of 48 cities, along with surrounding grazing lands, were allocated to the Levites for their residence. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 21:1 - 45 Q1. Fill in the ‘Number of Levitical cities’ column. Clan From the tribe of Number of Levitical cities The Kohathite The descendants of Aaron Judah & Simeon   Bejamin   The rest Ehpraim   Dan   West-Manasseh   The Gershonite East-Manasseh   Issachar   Asher   Naphtali   The Merarite Zebulun   Reuben   Gad   Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Clan From the tribe of Number of Levitical cities The Kohathite The descendants of Aaron Judah & Simeon 9

22: The Cities of Refuge: the sign of the Lord's protection (Josh 20:1 – 9)

Having the cities of refuge and the Levitical cities among the land signifies that it is the land where the Lord reigns.  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 20:1 - 9 Q1. If a man kills someone by accident, he needs to flee to one of the (                       ) and present his case to the (               ) of the city (v4). They should provide him a place to stay and protect him from the (            ) of blood (v5). The case should be reviewed by the (                ) (v9). He must remain in that city until the (                ) dies if the manslaughter was accidental (v6). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ If a man kills someone by accident, he needs to flee to one of the ( Cities of Refuge ) and present his case to the ( leaders ) of the city. They should provide him a place to stay and protect him from the ( avenger ) of blood. The case should be reviewed by the ( assembly ). He must remain in that city until the ( high priest ) dies if the manslaughter was accidental. Even if it was a mistake, the offender h

21: Asher, Naphtali, Dan, and Joshua (Josh 19:24 - 51)

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 19:24 - 51 Q1. The territory of (              ) lies along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, while the towns of the Sea of Galilee fall within the territory of (           ). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ "The territory of ( Asher ) lies along the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, while the towns of the Sea of Galilee fall within the territory of ( Naphtali ). Q2. Dan’s territory fell in the land of the Philistines. They could not conquer them. Therefore, what did they do? Answer ๐Ÿ‘‰ They went up and fought with Leshem and captured it. They renamed it Dan and lived there. Dan forsook the Lord’s inheritance. Q3. The land allotment was finished according to the Lord. Joshua received (             ) as he had requested. And others got theirs by (              ). The land was assigned before the Lord at the entrance of (                  ). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ The land allotment was finished according to the Lord. Joshua received ( Timnath Serah ) as he had requeste

20: Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar (Josh 19:1 – 23)

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 19:1 - 23 Q1. Simeon’s assigned land was taken from (          )’s allotted portion, for Judah’s territory was too (        ) for them. They got (         ) towns within Judah’s land. Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Judah, large, seventeen Beer Sheba was the place where Isaac and King Abimelech of Gerar made a covenant of peace (Gen 26). Hormah was the place where the Israelites, their father generation, were defeated by the Canaanites. (Num 14:45) Ziklag was the city where David had stayed for a while he was fleeing from King Saul. This town was looted by the Amalekites. And David chased and defeated them and rescued the plunder. (1 Sam 30). The boundary of Simeon was not explicit. Jacob foretold that Simeon and Levi would be scattered among their brothers. (Gen 49:7). And so it came to pass.  Q2. (         ) towns were assigned to Zebulun and (          ) towns were for Issachar. Answer ๐Ÿ‘‰ 12, 16 Verses 10 -14 describe its territory. Verse 15 tells additional towns. The

19: Tribal meeting at Shiloh & Benjamin’s lands (Josh 18:1 – 28)

As they delayed taking the land, Joshua made them map it and drew lots for each tribe. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 18:1 - 28 Q1. Joshua said to the Israelites, “How long do you intend to (                  ) occupying the land the Lord has given you?” Pick (         ) men from each tribe. They will make a map of the land. Divide it into (           ) regions. I will draw lots for you before (              ) here in (         ).” Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ Joshua said to the Israelites, “How long do you intend to ( put off ) occupying the land the Lord has given you?” Pick ( three ) men from each tribe. They will make a map of the land. Divide it into ( seven  ) regions. I will draw lots for you before ( the Lord ) here in ( Shiloh ).” Shiloh was the place where they had the Tabernacle at first. And this place was the Place until the ark was captured by the Philistines (1 Sam 5) "Before the Lord": The land was the inheritance given by the Lord. Q2.(11 – 20) For the territory of Benjamin, th

18: Manasseh’s Land: Faith and courage to get the land (Josh 17:1 – 18)

One-half of the tribe received land on the east side of the Jordan, while the other half settled on the west side, to the north of Ephraim's territory. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 17:1 - 18 Q1. The descendants of (             ) received land, for they were (          ). They were assigned (            ) and (            ). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ The descendants of ( Makir ) received land, for they were ( warriors ). They were assigned ( Gilead ) and ( Bashan ). Q2. Five daughters of (              ) got their lands among their uncles. Therefore, the western tribe of Manasseh received (      ) share of land.  Answer ๐Ÿ‘‰ Zelophehad, ten Zelophehad’s daughters boldly claimed their inheritance because their father had no sons. In Numbers 27:1-11, they boldly requested their right to receive the inheritance to preserve their father’s name in Israel, and the Lord granted their request and amended the inheritance law to ensure that daughters could inherit the land if their father had no sons. A

17: Ephraim’s lands (Josh 16:1 – 10)

Joseph’s descendants formed two tribes: Ephraim and Manasseh. Though recognized as two distinct tribes, the Bible describes their inheritance as if they were allotted a single portion of land. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 16:1 - 10 Q1. The southern border starts from the waters of Jericho, goes up to the hill country of (             ), passes the territory of Lower (              ) and Gezer, and ends at the sea. From the north, it starts from Micmethath, turns eastward to (                ), then, descends to (             ). From Tappuah it goes to the (                ) and ends at the sea. Each color strip illustrates how the Bible describes the borderline.    Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ The southern border starts from the waters of Jericho, goes up to the hill country of ( Bethel ), passes the territory of Lower ( Beth Horon ) and Gezer, and ends at the sea. From the north, it starts from Micmethath, turns eastward to ( Taanath Shiloh ), then, descends to ( Jericho ). From Tappuah it goes to the ( t

16: Judah’s lands (Josh 15:1 – 63)

The borderlines and towns of Judah’s territory were described. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 15:1 - 63 Q1. For the Judahite land, the southern border started from the southern tip of the (             ), went to (              ) in the wilderness of Zin, extended to the Stream of Egypt, and ended at the sea (2 – 4). The eastern border was the (             ) (5). The Northern border started north of the (           ) and ended at the sea (5 – 11). The western border was the (         ) (12). Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ For the Judahite land, the southern border started from the south tip of the ( Salt Sea ), went to ( Kadesh Barnea ) in the wilderness of Zin, extended to the Stream of Egypt, and ended at the sea (2 – 4). The eastern border was the ( Salt Sea ) (5). The Northern border started north of the ( Salt Sea ) and ended at the sea (5 – 11). The western border was the ( sea )(12). Q2. Caleb drove out from there three (            ). (         ) captured Kiriath Sepher and married Caleb’s daught

15: Caleb’s lands (Josh 14:1 – 15)

The assignment of the land begins with Caleb’s portion and concludes with Joshua’s. Both men were distinguished by their faith. This arrangement signifies that the inheritance of the land was secured through the faith of these two individuals. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Joshua 14:1 - 15 Q1. (1 – 5) They assigned the land for (           ) and a half tribes by drawing (           ), as the Lord had instructed (            ). The (              ) were allotted no territory. And two portions were given to (             )’s descendants. Answers ๐Ÿ‘‰ They assigned the land for ( nine ) and a half tribes by drawing ( lots  ), as the Lord had instructed ( Moses ). The (  Levites ) were allotted no territory. And two portions were given to ( Joseph )’s descendants. Note that the author keeps saying there is no land for the Levites.  Receiving two portions signifies Joseph was counted as the firstborn among his brothers. Q2. When they started to assign their lands, who first came and asked for their