8. How Sin Reigns: Cain and Abel’s story (Gen 4:1-16)

As Adam and Eve ate the fruit, the sin entered their hearts. Now, this sin was inherited to their son Cain. The sin arouse burning anger in his heart and caused him to murder.

Read Gen 4:1-16

Guided Observations

When Cain was angry for his rejected offering, the Lord said, “If you not do what is right, (         ) is crouching at the door. It desires to (            ) you, but you must subdue it.”

After Cain killed his brother, what was God’s punishment for him? (v11-12)


What was God’s grace upon Cain? (v15)


What was Cain’s problem? (hint: Eph 4:26)


Meditation & Application

1. Cain should have accepted his humiliation when his offering was rejected instead of being angry

    -> learn to admit your sin, fault, or a humiliating situation.

2. It was the Lord's grace that He explicitly warned Cain not to go further from his anger

     -> when the Lord speaks to you through various channels, listen to Him. Especially when you are upset.

3. A sin brings a stronger temptation. Cain's wrongdoing -> offering rejected -> anger -> murder

     -> stay away from a small sin now, or you cannot stop it later

4. Even in your sin, God is merciful. Ask His help.


  1. sin, dominate
    The ground will not yield crops for him. Thus, he will become a wanderer
    He put a mark on Cain not to be killed (avenged).
    Cain followed his angry desire despite God's explicit warning.


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