1. God Created (Gen 1:1-13 )

Acknowledging God as the Creator of everything and your life is the start of faith. Let's listen to His creation with a humble heart.

Gen 1:1-13

Guided Observations

“In the (               ) God created (                  ) and (                ).”

What is the order of creation n days 1 ~ 3?


God created all things through His (                ).


God prepared a place for us to live. See how the form of the earth changed: (                       ) (v2) -> (                        ) (v9).


God made distinctions and separation: day and (            ), water above (                  ) and under it, sea and (                  ).


Meditation & Application

God is not nature. At that time, people thought that gods came out of the primordial soup (or water) and that they made all sorts of things, including life. However, the Bible declares that God is beyond nature through the saying that God's spirit moved on the surface of the water. These days, it is clear that the idea of identifying Mother Nature with God is also wrong.

Anyone who believes in God's creation, as in this passage, will respect the way God has made it. He would respect the order God has set.

The Creator generated distinction and separation for our goodness: to provide a habitat for us.

His words make things exist. Keep His words in your heart and life.


  1. Beginning, the heavens, the earth
    Light, expanse, land and vegetation
    without shape and empty -> dry ground
    night, the expanse, land


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