12. Building an Ark: Covenant of Salvation (Gen 6:9-22)

God provided a way of salvation even when He planned the destruction of all.

Read Gen 6:9-21

The Bible describes Noah this way. Noah was a (                  ). He walked with (             ).

The earth was ruined for all living creatures were (              ).

What was God’s command to Noah for his salvation? (four, v14-16, v18, v19-20, v21)



God could have provided the ark, but He asked Noah to build it. And Nosh obeyed God’s commands. In the same way, God told us the way of salvation. We should follow His instruction to be saved. 

Meditation for Application

Three expressions about Noah mean the same. Godly (righteous) = blameless = walking with God

Condemnation of the flesh: The target of destruction was all flesh ( = "all living creatures" in NET translation. I don't like NET translation here). This expression comes three times in verses 12, 13, and 17. 'All flesh' with a breath of life (v17) that had come from God (Gen 2:7) were destroyed. 

As they followed the desires of the flesh, they utterly became flesh (6:3 they are mortal). And God decided to destroy the flesh. And this is the same for Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus came in the flesh and took the curse of sin in His body. "By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, ... he condemned sin in the flesh." (Rom 8:3)  Therefore following your desires of the flesh is suicide. 

Don't forget that God provides a way of life (Jesus Christ = Ark) so that you can live even in the global destruction. In any situation in life, God prepares the way of salvation for us. Following the Lord is the only and most sure way to live. He has confirmed it by the covenant of Jesus' blood.

Noah took care of all animals and their food. He was God's representative. We are to do the works of God on this earth.


  1. godly man, God
    Make yourself an ark
    Enter the ark
    Bring into the ark two of every kind of animal
    Take food for you and them

  2. Righteous man, God,
    build an ark, bring your family, a pair of every animal, bring food


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