15. New start with the old heart of sin (Gen 8:15-22)

Finally, they came out of the ark. Though they were saved from the flood judgment, unease life was waiting for them.

Read Gen 8:15-22 (NET) or Gen 8:15-22 (ESV)

Guided Observations

Regarding the animals in the ark, God said, ‘Bring them out and (         ) them increase and be fruitful.’

Noah built (            ) and offered sacrifices on it.

What was the reason that the Lord said that He would not curse the ground because of humankind? (v21)


The name Noah meant 'rest.' Though he was saved from the destruction, his life would not be restful. “while the earth continues to exist, planting and harvest, cold and heat, and summer and (           ) will not (               )” They needed to work hard to survive for the fundamental problem of (       ) still remains in human hearts. 

Meditation for Application

Expressions of "with you" (v16,17) and "along with you" (v18) tell that they had come into the ark and come out from the ark together with Noah. They were saved because they were with Noah. Our salvation comes when we are with Jesus. 

New start and blessing, but an old heart of sin. 

God cursed the ground because of man in Gen 3. But the therapy of hardship didn't work for the stubborn descendants of Adam. Tough conditions for survival restrained human sinfulness but were not that efficient because they had lived too long. The longer a man lives, the more sinful he will be. Thus the earth was filled with human sins. Flood came. 

The culprit of human sins is the heart which is utterly sinful. No punishment can edify human hearts. It only restrains us from sinning to the full extent of our sinful hearts.

God had cursed the land instead of humans, but it didn't work. Later, God would let the curse fall upon Jesus' body to give us the Holy Spirit, the ultimate remedy for our sinful hearts.

Noah is a shadow of Jesus, not perfect. Until the true Savior comes continues the not-resting condition. Accept this humbly. 


  1. let
    an altar
    inclination of their minds (hearts) is evil
    cease, sin


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