2. God created all good for us (Gen 1:14-25)

Creator God created all things good and provided us good. This is the very foundation of our trusting Him.

Gen 1:14-25

Guided Observations

What is the order of creation on days 4 ~ 6?


God made two (          ) lights – the greater light to (           ) over the day and the lesser light to rule over (           ).

God created all animals according to their (            ) and blessed them.

How did God make animals and plants? (v11, 20, 24)

God made all things good. “God saw that it was (                )” How many ‘good’ do you find in chapter 1?

Meditation & Application

If you believe God created all things good for us, you will trust in His good intention.

When God said it was good, all things were good 1) to reveal God's glory and 2) for his representatives, humans.


  1. lights (Sun, moon, and stars), living creature in water and sky, animals on the land.
    great, rule, the night
    through God's commands "Let the land produce" "Let the water swarm"
    good, seven


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