20. From Shem to Abram: Darkness before Dawn (Genesis 11:10-32)

The story of Babel implies that there is no hope of spiritual reformation from human initiative. Now, the Lord is going to choose one man Abram and his family to start the salvation project by His own initiative. At the time of calling Abram, his family was not that blessed. It was a dark moment before dawn. 

Read Gen 11:10-32 (NET) or Gen 11:10-32 (ESV)

Guided Observations

How many generations is Abram descended from Shem?


Who were Abram’s brothers?


Verses 27-32 show Terah’s life was not easy. His hometown was (       ) of the Chaldeans. His son (        ) died there. And Sarai was (                ). He wanted to migrate to Canaan and left with Abram, (          ), his grandson, and Sarai. As they arrived in (         ), they settled there.

After many generations from Noah, the Lord is going to start amazing salvation through a family whose life was not so hopeful.


Meditation for Application

Their lifetime decreased gradually. As the Lord had said (Gen 6:3)

The Bible emphasizes that Terah's family was not blessed. He had three sons, Abram, Nahor, and Haran. 

  • He bereaved his son Haran in his hometown.
  • Abram was childless. Maybe Nahor also had no child at that time. We don't hear any report about Nahor's children until Gen 22. 
  • And he decided to leave his hometown Ur, southern Iraq of today. 

The reason God chose Abram (in Gen 12) is not in the Bible. However, he was the right person that God could reveal His power and blessing vividly. He was childless and a wanderer in foreign lands. He and his father Terah had moved from Ur to Haran.


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