22. Unfaithful Partner of Faithful God (Gen 12:10-20)

 Abram arrived at Canaan, the promised land. However, the blessing is not found.

Read Gen 12:10-20 NET version or ESV version

Questions for Observations

Why did Abram move down to Egypt from the promised land?


What was Abram’s idea to protect his life from Egyptians?


By the lie, Abram bartered his wife for wealth and his life. However, God’s promise was at stake, for Abram lost his wife. For God promised blessing through Abram’s (              ).

Now, how did the Lord protect this couple in danger? (v17)


God will fulfill his (             ) no matter what situation and what humans do.


Meditation for Application

Famine in the promised land. Even when you follow the Lord's guidance, you might encounter difficulty.

Abram relied on his own trick and forgot God's promise. Because of Sarah, he saved his life (v13) and got a lot of wealth (v16). So far, so good. Nothing wrong except God's promise. Are you going on this path? Forgetting God's vision and enjoying a precarious abundance? 

The Lord protected him, and Pharaoh shamed Abram. "What is this..." "Why didn't you" "Why did you" If we don't trust in the Lord, the Lord still protects us. But, we will be ashamed before the world. Whether we trust or not, the Lord protects us because of his faithfulness to the promise. But, glory doesn't come to us if we don't trust. 

Abram will make this mistake again in chapter 20. God's promise will be fulfilled despite our weaknesses. It is the Lord who upholds you and trains your faith, not you.

Are you a faithful partner of Jesus? He is so serious about the salvation of His brothers that He died on the cross. And He entrusted us with the completion of the project by pouring His Spirit upon us.

Why did God strike Pharaoh instead of Abraham, who was at fault? God struck Pharaoh to change Abraham’s perception of the Lord (Jehovah), whom Abraham had recognized as a family god. By striking Pharaoh, God demonstrated that He is not just the god of a tribe or a specific region (like Ur of the Chaldeans), but the God of the entire universe. 


  1. Famine in the land
    to call his wife his sister
    God struck Pharaoh and his household


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