25. Abram’s Doubt and the Lord’s Covenant (Gen 15:1-21)

When Abram was in fear, the Lord confirmed His protection and fulfillment of the promise. Abram believed in the promise of descendants, but he questioned the promise of the land. Thus, the Lord made ('cut': in Hebrew) a covenant with him.

Read Gen 15:1-21 NET version 

Questions for Observations

After the war against the kings of that region, Abram must have been afraid of their revenge. The Lord said to Abram, “(            ) not! I am your (            ).”

Abram (            ) the Lord regarding the promise of (              ), and the Lord credited it as (                ) to him. (v5-6)

However, as the Lord promised him the land, Abram requested confirmation. (v7-8) At this, the Lord performed a covenant ceremony. He asked Abram to prepare a heifer, (           ), (            ), a dove, and a young pigeon. Abram killed and split them into halves except (           ). In the darkness, (               ) that represents the Lord passed between animal parts. It is a dire oath saying, ‘unless I keep the terms of this promise, I will be like these animals.’

When will the Lord give this land to Abram’s descendants? (v13)


Meditation for Application

Tough the Lord encouraged Abram (1), he seemed being tired of waiting for God's promise (2-3). The Lord confirmed the promise of numerous descendants (4-5), and Abram believed it. 

The Lord called his 'a mustard seed' faith righteousness. (6)

Righteousness: a right relationship with God. If you keep doubting something that someone has clearly promised or even sworn, you cannot have a relationship with that person. It is the same with our God.

However, the promise of the land seemed not making sense to Abram (8). The Lord Himself confirmed it by making a covenant.  

The Lord solemnly swore that He would accomplish his promise. The land will be given to his descendants 400 years later. He would not see any sign of fulfillment of the promise. A very brief idea about Exodus was given to Abram, but no detail of it. 

Abram was not supposed to verify God's proposed plan. Only two choices were given to him: believe it or not. 

The Lord swore forgiveness through His blood on the cross. We cannot fully comprehend His plans but His resolute will and love. As you believe, you will be called righteous and stand before the Lord.


Fear, shield

believed, the descendants, righteousness

a goat, a ram, the birds, a flaming torch

after 400 years later


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