26. God blessed even Ishmael (Gen 16:1-16)

At last, Abram took Hagar and got a son, who was not God's promised son. Nevertheless, the Lord blessed Ishmael because he was Abram's son. 

Read Gen 16:1-16 

Questions for Observations

Until Abram lived in Canaan for (          ) years, they had no child. Sarai said to Abram, “Since (              ) had prevented me from having children, please sleep with my servant, (              ) I can have a family by her.” Abram did what (           ) told him.

When Hagar ran away from Sarai’s oppression, what did the angel of the Lord say to her? (two, v9, v10)


 What is the name of the place Hagar met the angel? (v13)


 Meditation for Application

Abram heard his wife's words. Sarai knew it was God who prevented her from having children. But, she wanted to have one by all means. Her own statement proves her idea was against God's will. When you think the Lord blocks your way, do not pursue further.

The Lord had not said that the promised son would be born through Sarah until Gen 17:21. Therefore, Abram could have thought Ishmael his covenantal heir. 

Hagar's pregnancy doesn't approve of Abram's deeds. Don't take any success or achievement as God's OK sign. This caused trouble (6) and would bring bigger trouble (conflict between Islam and Israel).  

Why did the Lord not prevent Abram from taking Hagar? Why did the Lord give Hagar a baby? Many times, the Lord let our sinful thought sprout, grow, and bear fruit so that we would realize we are sinful and need a Savior. 

Even though Ishmael was not the Lord's promised son, He blessed him. Despite Abram's unfaithfulness, God showed faithfulness to Abram and mercy to Hagar. 

The angel asked Hagar to return to Abram's house because the Lord's blessing for Hagar would come through Abram. God's covenant is still valid even after Abram's unfaithfulness.

The Lord provided a solution for the mess Abram had made. Even Ishmael was included in the Lord's (earthly) blessing. Like this, God gave us His Son to clean up the mess of our sins.

The unfaithfulness of Abram brought God's revelation and mercy upon Hagar. In the same way, the unfaithfulness of the Jews brought God's merciful salvation to the Gentiles.


ten, the Lord, Perhaps, Sarai

Return to your mistress, I will greatly multiply your descendants.

Beer Lahai Roi (the well of the living one who sees me)


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