29. Extraordinary Hospitality and Unbelievable Announcement (Gen 18:1-15)

Abraham entertained angels without knowing it (Heb 13:2). And they announced the birth of Isaac through Sarah after a year.

Read Gen 18:1-15 

Questions for Observations

When Abraham saw three men coming, he said, ‘(             ), if I have found (          ) in your sight, let me serve you.’  

Abraham prepared food for them. They ate while he was (                ) near them.

One of the visitors announced Sarah’s birth. But, Sarah (            ).

Then, (               ) said to Abraham, ‘Is anything (             ) for the Lord?’


ANSWERS & Meditation

My lords, favor

According to Hebrew 13:2, Abraham entertained them as guests. Here 'lord' doesn't necessarily mean the Lord God. They used 'lord' in many human relationships. 


The Bible describes every detail of how Abraham entertained them. This hospitality is a part of the great commandment of love. And Abraham showed an example of love to the first readers of Genesis and to us.


This would be a response of everyone who hears the gospel, salvation through the forgiveness of sins.

God's promise is fulfilled when all human possibilities are eliminated. Isaac will be born after they get too old to have a child.

the Lord, impossible

Why does the Lord announce it before it happens? By announcing an impossible or supernatural event and accomplishing it, the Lord reveals Himself. Thus, we would believe it was God's power. 

Knowing God's words is important for us to recognize the work of God when it happens. Otherwise, you would regard it as a coincidence or a mystery.

You believe in God, for whom nothing is impossible. Thus faith is required for us.


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