4. Acknowledge His terns of good, or you will die (Gen 2:1-17)

After creating all, God provided Adam a place of living and how to live, not die. Today also, God shows us the way of living.

 Read Gen 2:1-17

Guided Observations

God (               ) and (               ) the seventh day.

According to verse 7, we know that our life is volatile like a breath and depends on (              ), the author of life.

In the center of the garden are the tree of (            ) and the tree of (                 ) of good and evil.

From the garden flow (           ) rivers to water and give life to the land.

Adam was allowed to eat fruit from all trees except (                              ). When he eats it, he will surely (           ).

This command tells us that it is the Lord who decides good and evil in our life. Anything the Lord says good for me, though it looks evil, is (          ) for me. Anything that looks (         ) to my eyes, if the Lord says evil, it is (         ) for me. This is the way of life.

Meditation & Application

The garden narrative tells that life comes from God. Living in the garden = staying in God's presence.

The condition to live before God: to acknowledge God's authority in defining good and evil in your life. Like a little child relies on his or her mom, which is good or bad, we are to rely on God's definition of good and evil.

Human nature trying to be the owner of life is the seed of all sins.


  1. rested, blessed, made it holy
    life, knowledge
    the tree of knowledge of good and evil, die
    good, good, evil


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