6. Adam's Fall: caused by relying own evaluations (Gen 3:1-7)

Today's chapter shows how they came to eat the forbidden fruit. Today also, we follow in their footsteps of failure. 

 Read Gen 3:1-7

Guided Observations

Serpent’s sneaky question to doubt God’s good intention: The serpent asked the woman, ‘Is it really true that God said, ‘You must not eat from (        ) tree’?”

Not paying attention to God’s word: She replied, “Concerning the fruit of the tree (                         ), God said, ‘You must not eat from it, and you must not (          ) from it.’”

Satan dared challenge making God a liar: The serpent said, “God knows eating the fruit will make you like (         ), knowing (         ) and (           ).” He meant that God is withholding good from her.

Eating the fruit based on her own evaluation: When the woman saw the fruit (          ) for food, attractive to (            ), and desirable for making one (         ).

They became wise to realize their (             ) but not happy.

Meditation & Application

When you don't pay attention to God's words, you will be a target of Satan and fall in Satan's hands.

God didn't explain every detail when He gave us commands. If you doubt God's good intentions, you will disobey Him. Never doubt His love for you.

Any decision based on your own evaluation and assessment will lead you to trouble.

Satan's word is not totally a lie. They became wise enough to know their nakedness. They didn't die right away. In some sense, they became like God (3:22). However, their life became miserable.

Satan's seductive word makes sense in parts, but, on the whole, it brings destruction. What seductive and deceptive he is!


  1. any,
    in the middle of the orchard, touch
    God, good, evil
    good, the eyes, wise


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