7. Consequence of sin in probation (Gen 3:8-24)

Now, the Lord announced the consequence of their deeds. But the judgment is not FINAL.

Read Gen 3:8-24

Guided Observations

What kinds of sinners’ behaviors do you find in verses 8 and 12-13?


The Lord God said to the serpent, “(           ) are you above all the cattle. And I will put (             ) between you and (            ) and between your offspring and (                  ). He will strike your (            ) and you will strike his (            ).”

To Adam, “(                ) is cursed because of you; by (               ) of your brow you will eat food until you return to (             ). For you are (          ), and to (         ) you will return.”

What did the Lord God do to them after He announced the judgment oracle? (v21, 23)

Meditation & Application

We see the result of sin:

- crooked personality: hiding, blaming, and yet too high standard of morality

- destroyed relationships even in family: trustful -> blaming

Only hope is the fulfillment of the prophecy, in His time. It is noticeable that God didn't fix the problem right away.

He made them a covering for their nakedness: this forecasts a shadow to God's redemptive salvation. He covers our shame.

Blocking the way to the tree of life: putting limitations on our life to protect us. It is like the law had worked as a boundary before Jesus came.



  1. hiding & fear, blaming others
    cursed, enmity, the woman, her offspring, head, heel
    ground, sweat, ground, dust, dust
    He made a covering for them, He expelled them from the garden


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