9. Triumphant Song of Evil and Calm Prayer (Gen 4:17-26)

Though Cain became a wanderer on the land, his descendants flourished and developed civilization. But...

Read Gen 4:17-26

Cain’s (         )th generation descendant, Lamech had two wives, (          ) and (           ). Their children were good at art and technology.

Lamech was proud of his evil: “I have (            ) a man for (            ) me, a young man for (            ) me.”

He dared to say, ‘who will punish my sins? Even God does not punish me.’ “If Cain is to be avenged (             ) times as much, then Lamech (                      ) times.”

What would be a hope amid such a sinful world? (v26)

Meditation for application

Prosperity doesn't prove God's approval of your life. They were not seeking God, but were given wealth and civilization. We better not envy their prosperity

God gave Cain blessings and let his descendants flourish, but Lamech took God's grace as a chance to promote and boast his evil. Lamech ridiculed God’s grace for sinners and proclaimed God doesn’t punish sinners.

There are three voices in this world: 

- God's graceful calling for sinners (sevenfold punishment for Cain & blessing even for sinners), 

- boasting cries of evil ('God doesn't punish evil') 

- calm cries of believers ('please save us. fix this world')

Call on the Lord as the world develops to greater wealth and less godly life. 


  1. 5, Adah, Zilla, killed, wounding, hurting, seven, seventy seven, God who will accomplish His salvation in His time.


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