32. Grace in Punishment & Destruction in Salvation (Gen 19:15-29)

God shows grace amid His judgment. However, He leaves the door of destruction open for those who are going on the road to salvation. 

Please Read Gen 19:15-29

What was God’s gracious works for Lot? (v15-16, v21-22, v29)


Who became a pillar of salt? Why?


God foretold Abraham about His judgment on Sodom, for he was called to reveal God’s righteousness: His judgment on sin and salvation through a righteous person. The only way for sinners to be saved in God’s judgment is through being related to the righteous person, Jesus. Why did God save Lot? (v29)


Answers & Meditation

The angels announced the Lord’s destruction at midnight. Lot delayed departing until dawn. Lot would not have given up his lingering attachment to wealth and convenient life in Sodom.

Isn’t this the same for us? We have kept delaying our commitment and devotion to the Lord because of our obsession with the world.

Notice this. The sudden catastrophe came without any sign. The day will come suddenly.  

They grabbed their hands and led them out of the city

They spared the town of Zoar from destruction

God removed Lot from the midst of the destruction

It is amazing that the Lord showed him favor two times. He even saved Zoar from destruction.

Meanwhile, we can see Lot’s lack of faith. Lot did not believe that when God asked him to flee to the mountain, He would wait until Lot reached the mountain. That's why the angel promises that he won't do anything until he gets to Zoar. (Verse 22).

Lot’s wife, She looked back longingly

This is against the angel’s warning, ‘don’t look back.'

Jesus said, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)

God honored Abraham’s request

In other translations and the Hebrew text, it says, ‘God remembered Abraham.’ In chapter 18, Abraham asked for the pardon of the whole city for the sake of the righteous among them.

It is not clear whether Abraham requested Lot’s salvation explicitly or not. But, we can say God saved Lot because of Abraham.

God will save us by honoring Jesus’ request for us. Stay in the Lord.

Title: Grace in Punishment & Destruction in Salvation

God showed His grace to Lot amid the punishment of sins for Abraham’s sake. At the same time, Lot’s wife was destroyed amid salvation because of her undetermined heart in longing for the world.

Note that God led Lot only out of the city, not to the mountains or to Zoar. Lot had to run away to Zoar on his own. This is to see if Lot really wants salvation from Sodam's destruction.

If we become indecisive in following Jesus, if we don't yearn for the kingdom of God, we are not worthy of the kingdom.


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