35. Birth of Isaac and Ruined B-Party (Gen 21:1-16)

 As the Lord had promised, Sarah gave birth to Isaac. Abraham got the promised son finally but needed to drive another son out.

Please Read Gen 21:1-16

When Abraham was (            ) years old, the Lord made Sarah give birth to a son just as He had (                 ). Sarah was delighted and named him (              ). Abraham circumcised him just as God had (                  ).

Why did Sarah ask Abraham to drive out Hagar and her son? (v8-10)


When Abraham was troubled by Sarah’s request, God told him, “Do (        ) that Sarah is telling you because (             ) will become your heir. But don’t worry about Ishmael. I will bless him too, for he is your (               ) too.”

Answers & Meditation

100, promised, Isaac, commanded

The Bible keeps saying Sarah gave birth to a son ‘as God had said’ three times in verses 1-2. They got a son in their old age (verses 2, 5, 7) Sarah was happy (verses 6, 7)

God accomplishes his promise amid an impossible situation, and we rejoice over it.

God’s time comes when there is no hope. Thus, it reveals God’s glory. And from us is required faith. And our lack of faith would leave stains and scratches on God’s works. Taking Hagar left permanent stains in their lives.

The son of Hagar mocked Isaac

Sarah called Ishmael ‘the son of slave’. She doesn’t want the son of a slave woman to be an heir of Abraham.

It comes from Sarah's sinful nature that drove Hagar away, but Paul quotes this story and uses it to explain the gospel of freedom, in Galatians. Anyone who wants to enjoy the blessings as an heir of heaven should get rid of a slave mindset. If we serve God to escape punishment or to get something, the service comes from a slave mindset. 

All, Isaac, descendant

God is faithful beyond His promise. He confirmed Abraham of safety and blessing for Ishmael, who was born by human thought (verse 14).

Are you good at waiting for God’s time?

God’s time is when there is no hope in us. And His promise comes true regardless of your faith. However, you ought to be faithful and patient, waiting for His time. If you seek your own ways of unbelief, when His promise comes true, you will see the fruit of your unbelief together with the fruit of God's faithfulness. You will taste bitterness and sweetness at the same time. Don't jeopardize His blessing with your unbelief.

Isaac’s birth brought joy to Abraham’s family but also brought dissension because of Ishmael.


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