38. God confirmed His promise and more (Gen 22:13-24)

After Abraham passed the test, God swore by his name that he would keep the promise and even more.

Please Read Gen 22:13-24

What did Abraham name the place?


The Lord confirmed His promise with an oath and disclosed more about it. He said, “I solemnly swear by (                ), because you have not withheld your (                 ), I will greatly multiply your descendants.” Your (                ) will have victories over their enemies. All the nations will bless each other in (              ) of your descendants because you have (             ) me.”

Even after God’s confirmation of many descendants, Abraham still had only one son, While his brother Nahor got (          ) sons in total. Faith is required.

Answers & Meditation

The Lord provides

When the command was given, Abraham had not known what God intended. He was baffled at such a brutal order. He wanted to know its end as soon as possible.

When Abraham said, ‘God will provide’ in verse 8, he had expected God would bring out a solution or an explanation for that situation on the mountain.

And his wishful prayer was answered. A ram was provided, and the reason for the order was explained. Now, Abraham called the place ‘The LORD provides’ in verse 14.

Note that Abraham uses the name of God here, LORD. In OT, the name LORD (YHWH in Hebrew) is used in His personal and covenantal relationship with humans. The relationship was restored.

Whenever you are to go an uncertain way, this is your confession of faith. "The Lord will provide a solution for uncertainties in this way. And He will provide it."

My own name, only son, descendants, the name, obeyed

The Lord swore by his name (or Himself, His whole being). He would risk His life to keep that promise. He actually did that on the cross. Later, the Lord will need to lay down his life to keep His promise because of the unfaithfulness of the covenant partner, Abraham's descendants.

Abraham offered one son and will be given many descendants. This reminds us of Jesus’ promise. ‘Everyone who has given up … will receive a hundred times as many …’ (Mark 10:29-30)

People can use the name of Abraham’s descendants (or a descendant) because of Abraham’s obedience. God granted the use of Jesus’ name in our prayers and blessings.

The Lord added one more blessing to the three blessings: descendants, land, and blessing for all nations. It is victory over the enemy. We know this eventually implies victory over sin and death.


Faith is required from Abraham again. God’s promise is yet to be completed.

We need faith until the day of resurrection.

God's invitation of Abraham to His salvation project

Through Isaac's offering test, he experienced the heart of the Father God, who would give away His Son as a sin offering. Thus, Abraham was called the friend of God. 

Knowing more about God often demands pain and hurt from us because God is in pain for lost children. Nevertheless, it is worth sacrificing even our life to know more about the love of the cross.


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