42. Abraham was dead, but God is Faithful (Gen 25:1-18)

 After Sarah’s death, Abraham lived 47 years and had six more sons.

Please Read Gen 25:1-18


Abraham married (                 ) after Sarah’s death and had children. But he gave everything to (              ). Abraham died and was buried with his wife, Sarah. God (              ) his son Isaac after his death.

How many nations (princes) were descended from Ishmael?


What does the Bible say about Isaac’s half-brothers? (v6, 18)



Answers and Meditation

Keturah, Isaac, blessed

Abraham was dead, but God is not dead. God’s covenant is still valid through his son Isaac. God’s promise is inherited to Isaac.

God is living and keeps His promise even after Abraham's death. 


Ishmael was also Abraham’s son. God blessed him. But covenantal blessing will come through Isaac.

They stayed away from Isaac

The Bible doesn’t record much about Isaac’s half-brothers. The author focuses on God’s chosen people and what God will accomplish through them.

It is not saying that their lives are not important, but that the salvation that God will accomplish through Isaac's descendants will be the good news for all nations.

What is your focus? I hope that the amazing work of God in your life to be your focus.


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