44. Isaac’s Covenant (Gen 26:1-11)

Though Abraham was dead, the Lord was faithful to make a covenant with his son Isaac, as he had promised.

Please Read Gen 26:1-11

When a famine came to the land, the Lord appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to (                ). Settle down in the land that (                                   ). I will bless you”

The Lord promised Isaac three things: the land, (                      ), and the great name of blessing. (3-4)

What was the reason that the Lord promised blessings to Isaac? (5)

When Abimelech realized that Rebekah was Isaac’s wife, he was shocked that Isaac had made his people almost sinned. He announced, “Whoever harms Isaac or his wife will be (                   )”.


Answers and Meditation

Egypt, I will point out to you

The Lord commanded Isaac not to go down to Egypt. On the contrary for Abraham, He had left that issue to Abraham’s decision. The Lord didn't want Isaac to repeat his father's mistake. However, he repeated another mistake of his father, calling his wife his sister like his father.

Throughout the history of the Bible, God added more guidelines and restrictions as His people made mistakes.

‘Egypt’ would be a symbolic place for Moses’ audience. -> don’t return to your previous life when difficulty comes in the way of following Jesus

the descendants

The covenantal blessing is similar to Abraham’s. Faithful God made a covenant with Isaac as He had promised to Abraham. 

Abraham’s obedience

Credit was given to Abraham. Blessing to us was due to Jesus.

Put to death.

Abimelech is more righteous than Pharaoh in Gen 12, even more than Isaac. He was concerned about the sin of his people and ordered strict punishment for violators.


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