45. Dispute & Victory of Isaac (Gen 26:12-34)

 Isaac’s herdsmen and Philistines’ herdsmen quarreled over wells. Though Isaac yielded to them, the Lord blessed Isaac.

Please Read Gen 26:12-34

What are the names of the three wells? (20-22)


The Lord appeared to Isaac and said, “I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be (            ), for (                         ).”

At first, as they saw Isaac become powerful by the Lord’s (                  ), they asked him to leave and became hostile to Isaac. But later, as they saw God kept blessing Isaac even more, they came and said, “We could plainly see that the Lord is (                    ). Allow us make (                ) with us.”

The name (                    ) means “well of the oath.” The name was to remember the peace treaty with the Philistines (verses 28-29) and God’s confirming promise (verse 24).

Answers and Meditation

Esek, Sitnah, Rehoboth

We see Isaac’s patience. God compensated for Isaac’s loss and blessed him more so that they would give up being hostile to Isaac and submit to God. This is the victory of good over evil.

afraid, I am with you

When the world becomes hostile to us, fear comes to our hearts. Trust His promise of Immanuel.

blessings, with you. a peace treaty

As the Lord blesses us, the world will act hostile to us -> we keep faithful and yield to them -> God even blesses us more -> they will submit to us and acknowledge the Lord with us.

This is how to win over evil with good.

The Lord’s being with us is a greater blessing than the blessing itself.

Beer Sheba

Abraham had made a treaty with Abimelech at Beer Sheba (Chapter 21). Here, Isaac made a treaty with Abimelech. They were not the same person. The ruler of Gerar was called Abimelech as a title, not as a personal name, just like Pharaoh was the title of the Egyptian kings. 

Verses 23 – 33 is an episode that happened at Bee Sheba. Two events, digging the well (25) and the report of water (32), enclose the peace treaty with the Philistines.

God promised property, more than safety. Now, making a peace treaty and finding water confirmed that God’s promise has come true.

Being with the Lord is the secret of victory. The Christian's victory is not winning the competition against the world, but the world's recognition of God through us. 

The problem comes from inside

Verse 34, amid God’s blessings, the seed of trouble is growing inside of his house. The start of sin is not from the outside, but inside.


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