46. Jacob’s cheating for blessing (Gen 27:1-29)

God chose Jacob over Esau. Jacob cheated his father for the blessing of the firstborn as Isaac planned to bless Esau. 

Please Read Gen 27:1-29

When Isaac was very old that he was almost (              ), he wanted to bless (               ) before he died. But, Rebekah planned to deceive Isaac to bless (               ).

What was Jacob’s response when he heard Rebekah’s plan to cheat Isaac for the blessing? (11-12)


How many times did Jacob lie that he was the firstborn?


Jacob’s blessing includes three things: wealth, supremacy over (                ), and blessing for others.


Answers and Meditation

Blind, Esau, Jacob

God used Isaac’s blindness to bless Jacob in place of Esau (1, 23). In a normal situation, Jacob would not be blessed over his elder brother.

Nevertheless, Jacob was guilty of cheating and called for God's discipline.

Rebekah and Jacob should have waited for God’s plan or used legitimate methods when they heard of Isaac’s plan to bless Esau. 

My father will notice my trick and curse me

Jacob’s concern was a blessing, not righteousness. Cheating was OK for him as long as it wasn’t discovered. He hesitated to do so, not because it was not right but because he feared incurring a curse on himself.

Two times (18, 24)


His brothers

Most blessings by fathers in Genesis are blessings over their brothers.

Compared to Isaac's covenant, the promise of many descendants (nations) was replaced by the promise of supremacy over his brothers.

Will God bless Jacob because Isaac blessed him? Jacob will be blessed because of God’s selection before his birth.

God is going to deal with Jacob’s desirous and cheating character through various events in the following chapters.


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