47. Esau’s Hatred: the consequence of human deceit(Gen 27:30-46)

Jacob’s cheating caused his brother's fierce anger and hatred toward him. This is not what the Lord had foretold, ‘the older will serve the younger.’

Please Read Gen 27:30-46

When Esau heard that Jacob had taken his blessing, he wept (              ). What meaning does Esau impose on Jacob’s name? (36)


Though Isaac had said no blessings were left for Esau (37), he insisted his father bless him (38). Now, Isaac gave an oracle regarding Esau. "You home will be next to (                       ). You will live by (                  ). When you grow restless, you will tear off (           ) of your brother"

What was Rebekah's solution for Esau's hatred toward Jacob? (43-44)


Answers and Meditation

Sibling rivalry is one of the themes in Genesis.  

Loudly (bitterly), Trip up (cheat)

Jacob is a wordplay from ‘heel’ (25:26). But Esau gives a negative connotation as ‘cheater’

The richness of the earth, Your sword, the yoke

Late regret didn't work for Esau. He insisted on blessing but was confirmed of that his brother was blessed. 

In comparison with Jacob's blessing, Esau will depend on his sword and his power. However, Jacob will live by God's grace. The blessing is being with the Lord and living by God's provision, but by our own resources.

“Run away immediately to Paddan Aram”

Rebekah sought her own way to resolve the conflict.

She knew God's selection of Jacob and wanted the covenantal blessing for Jacob. However, she didn't know God's plan for all nations and the importance of the promised land. She made her son, the heir of the covenant, return to the very place where his grandfather Abraham had left.

Human methods always bring bad side effects. Jacob got his father's blessing but incurred his brother's hatred. This was not the blessing God had intended in the Abrahamic covenant. God's blessing for you is to bless your friends and family. God's way doesn't break your relationship with your 'neighbors,' but not always.


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