48. "Wherever you go" vs "If I return here" (Gen 28:1-22)

Though Jacob was returning to the place where Abraham had left. Jacob might have doubted the validity of the promise.

Please Read Gen 28:1-22

Isaac called Jacob and asked him to find a wife from his relatives (verses            ), blessed him with descendants and lands (verses           ), and sent him to Paddan Aram.

God appeared to Jacob in a dream. He saw a (                 ) from the earth to heaven. God stood at its top and promised three blessings: many (               ), (                 ), and blessings of others through him.

What was God’s promise to Jacob, who was fleeing from the land of promise? (15)


What did Jacob promise to God if he would safely return? (21-22)


Answers and Meditation

1-2, 3-4

Isaac blessed Jacob for the land of Canaan but sent him off to Haran. Abraham did not want Isaac to leave Canaan and sent his servant to look for Isaac's wife. But here, Isaac sent Jacob away from Canaan on a journey of the uncertainty of return. God's promise was at stake because of human failures.

The true reason Rebekah sent Jacob was to save him from Esau’s anger. But her excuse was for him not to marry a Canaanite woman (27:46).

The whole thing is a mess.

Stairway (or ladder), descendants, land


I am with you.

“I will protect you and bring you back to this land. I will not leave until my promise comes true.”

God confirmed His covenantal blessing is valid to Jacob even when he stays out of Canaan. Remember that God protected Abram in Egypt (Gen 12).


“The Lord will become my God” = “worship Him and bring tithe”

God promised, ‘I am with you.' There is no prerequisite from Jacob. It was an unconditional promise. 

But Jacob's reply was conditional. ‘If I return safely, I will serve you.’ 

God said, 'I will be your God wherever you go.' But Jacob meant, 'when I return here, you will become my God.'

Why did he say this way? He might have thought that he was obligated to do something in return for God's blessing. Or, he didn’t fully trust in God and wanted to pressure God to keep his promise.  Neither of them is from faith. 

Don't pray this way. “God, if you get me in college, I will read Bible and pray every day.” Simply pray, ‘God, let me in the college.’ 

"Wherever you go" vs "If I return here"

God shows us his unconditional grace. But we try to find the prerequisite for grace and request God's blessing before our commitment.


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