49. Jacob was tricked on his wedding night (Gen 29:1-30)

Jacob worked for seven years to marry Rachel. But his uncle replaced Rachel with her sister on his wedding night. God disciplines his people.

Please Read Gen 29:1-30

When Jacob arrived at Haran, he met shepherds on a well. He said to them, “It is still (           ). Water the sheep and let them (              ) more”

Laban deceived Jacob and let (             ) go into the bride’s room instead of (              ). Therefore, Jacob needed to work for another (            ) year to marry Rachel.

Jacob loved (              ) more than (                 )

As Jacob (               ) Isaac, who was almost blind, Laban (               ) Jacob in the night. Both incidents were replacements of brothers (sisters).


Answers & Meditation

Middle of the day, graze

Jacob was a bit bossy. (7-8)

When Jacob met Rachel, he wept and rejoiced at his safe arrival at Haran. However, he didn’t praise the Lord just like the old servant of Abraham did in chapter 24. 

Leah, Rachel, seven

Rachel, Leah

Though Jacob had chosen Rachel because of her beauty, Leah became his first wife through Laban's cheating. 

If Jacob had accepted this situation as God's will and loved Leah and Rachel alike, his family would not have had family trouble. But, his favoritism toward Rachel and her sons was so obvious and would cause rivalry and Jealousy in the family.

Deceived, deceived.

Laban exchanged the bride to exploit Jacob's free labor. Both Jacob's deceiving Isaac and Laban's deceiving Jacob were due to their desire for material blessings.

It seemed that God's blessings had come to him through Jacob's plan. However, his schemes and tricks were not of God's design.

Even though you don’t seek God’s will, He still protects you and blesses you. However, His discipline comes into your life.

When something doesn't go as you have planned, do you calmly accept God's intervention and pay attention to God's will? Or do you insist on your original goal?


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