51. Laban made Jacob stay more (Gen 30:25-43)

After Joseph’s birth, Jacob wanted to return to Canaan. However, Laban made him stay more with a compensation deal.

Read πŸ‘‰Gen 30:25-43

Laban told Jacob, “I have learned that (                ) has blessed me on account of you.”

Jacob had wanted to return. Why did he change his mind? (28, 31-32)


After making the employment contract with Laban, Jacob used a trick. He made (              ) animals become to be his by setting up (                ) branches before them when a stronger female mated.


Meditation for Application

The Lord

Laban knew that the Lord’s blessing was through Jacob. ‘By divination’: he enquired his gods about why he had become rich exceptionally. 

He wanted to build his house and become rich. Because he got a job.

Jacob knew the Lord’s blessing had come through himself. But, it seemed that he didn’t fully believe this. If so, he would have returned regardless of the compensation offer of Laban. For, God will bless him wherever he goes; he didn’t need to stay there.

Stronger, peeled

This was what God promised in chapter 28. And Laban confessed the same. But, Jacob himself was slow to believe it and used the trick to become rich. Still, he relied on human methods. 

He was supposed to return to Canaan as soon as possible. But he decided to stay until God told him to leave in chapter 31, for wealth. Chapter 31 shows the consequence of such a decision, which is not according to God's will but the desire for wealth.

The world constantly promises us sweet rewards and tempts us to stay in the place of wealth, not the place of God's calling.


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