53. God's unnoticed protection of Jacob (Gen 31:2-42)

Laban caught up with Jacob. But God warned him not to do any harm to Jacob.

πŸ‘‰Read Gen 31:22-42

God warned Laban in a dream, “(                 ) that you neither bless nor curse Jacob”

Why was Laban so angry at Jacob? (two reasons, 26-28, 30)


Who stole the idol?

As the idol was not found, Jacob argued with Laban about his unfair treatment so far. Despite Laban's evil deeds, God blessed him. What was the reason for blessing, according to Jacob? (two, 42)


Answers and Meditation

Be careful

God’s warning: “Be careful” because anyone who curses will be cursed.

Jacob left without a word. His idol was stolen



Jacob was unaware of the idol. God protected Jacob and his family even when he was not aware of the problem, the stolen idol. God protects us beyond our recognition. Trust Him. Don't waste your time searching for any hidden problems or dangers. Focus on the Lord.

Jacob, not knowing that he scarcely kept his favorite wife, Rachel, and his family by God’s grace, argued with Laban angrily (36).

We’d better be humble always because there might unknown problems in us.

Rachel stole the idol because she had somewhat believed the idol’s power. God didn’t want this pagan idolatry to permeate into this covenantal family. Probably because of this, God took her life early (35:19).

God was with Jacob. God had compassion for Jacob being oppressed.

Here, Jacob confessed that God’s faithfulness and mercifulness had protected him and blessed him. Not because of his righteousness.


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