56. God changed his name (Gen 32:22-32)

Jacob requested God’s help persistently and was answered. God changed his name to Israel.

πŸ‘‰Read Gen 32:22-32


In the night, why did the man bless Jacob? (26)


What is the meaning of Jacob’s new name? (28)


What is the name of the place Jacob wrestled with the man?


Answers & Meditation

Jacob didn’t let him go without a blessing

It was God’s mercy that He answered his request instead of killing him.

Jacob’s desperate prayer. Jesus also said God will answer a persistent prayer in Luke 18. God's promise is: 'I will answer to your persistent prayer.'

‘You have fought with God and with men and have prevailed”

God yielded to a man’s fervent request. Thus, He gave the name Israel. What a great privilege to us and a great humiliation of God! It is a father's love.  

Peniel, meaning the face of God.

At the bottom of our life, God comes to us. It is the moment we can see His face and know more about His heart.

At that moment when we encountered Jesus, our identity was changed: children of God. 


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