59. The God of Bethel (Gen 35:1-29)

God asked Jacob to go up to Bethel and live there. However, Jacob stopped by Bethel and went to other places again.

πŸ‘‰Read Gen 35:1-29

“Go up (                ) to Bethel and live there. Make an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you (           ) from your brother.”

They got rid of (                    ) and started a journey to Bethel. (                 ) protected them from the surrounding cities.

What is the name that means the God of Bethel? (7)

God announced His name as (                     ) and promised Jacob the descendants, (                ), and the land. (verses 11-12)

(                 ) died on their way to Ephrath. Jacob set up (                 ) over her grave.

God blessed Jacob with (             ) sons even in his refugee life and let him return safely to (                       ).

Answers & Meditation

At once, fled

God wanted Jacob to come to Bethel.

Foreign gods, God

God didn’t ask this. Though Jacob knew it was not appropriate to have images of foreign gods, his family had had them. We also know what is appropriate or not appropriate before God. Follow it before God explicitly asks it.  

El Bethel

God wants to confirm his promise to Jacob at Bethel. He should be there to hear God’s promise. God reveals Himself to His people at certain times and places. 

Where does God want you to be? What does God want you to do? God wants to reveal Himself in Jesus Christ. You should be with Jesus and follow Him. There and then, you can experience God's presence. 

The Sovereign God, nations (or kings)

Jacob had pursued blessings by his own methods. Jacob needed to trust in the Sovereign God.

Rachel, a marker

This would be a big sorrow and loss for Jacob.

Twelve, his father Isaac.

The journey of a refugee that had started by his cheating ended in blessings because of the Lord’s grace.

Jacob was the heir of the covenant but had left the land of the covenant. It took more than thirty years to put everything back right. Even during the time of detour, the Lord accomplished his work: making Jacob fruitful. 

Surely the LORD was the God of Bethel who was with Jacob during his journey of refugee and blessed him even in a foreign land, not in the promised land.


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