62. The dream of the father’s favorite (Gen 37:1-11)

Now the Bible focuses on the house of Jacob. And the leading actor was Joseph, the man of dreams. 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Gen 37:1-11

But Jacob lived in the land of (                   ).

Why do you think they were jealous of Joseph and hated him? (Verses 2, 3, 5)


 Joseph dreamed two similar dreams. The dreams alluded that all his (                 ) and even his parents will bow down before him.


Answers and Meditation


the Bible addressed that Jacob stayed in Canaan (verse 1), unlike Esau, who had walked out from the land of promise. However, his family had problems.


He brought bad reports about his brothers

Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons

Joseph’s dreams

The Bible exposes the fragility of Jacob’s family, which was caused by Jacob’s favoritism. His favoritism caused competition between Rachel and Leah. And thus, he acquired four wives in total.


Sons were divided by their mothers. Jacob's favoritism, even more, caused dissension and jealousy among the brothers.

Along the story of Jacob and Joseph, we will see how God restores this dysfunctional family. This family will be restored through Joseph's patience and Judas' sacrifice.



Dispute between brothers is one of the themes in Genesis: Cain and Abel, Noah’s three sons, Esau and Jacob, and Joseph and his brothers. Also, a father’s blessing usually mentions one's blessing over his brothers.


“His father kept in mind what Joseph said” This foreshadows what God would do in Jacob’s family. 


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