63. His favorite son was taken away (Gen 37:12-36)

His brothers sold Joseph. And his father was deceived as if he had been killed and bitterly grieved. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen 37:12-36

When they tried to kill Joseph, who said not to kill their brother?


Who said to sell their brother?


What did they report to their father about Joseph’s missing?


Answers and Meditation

They said, ‘Then we’ll see how his dreams turn out.' (20) They laughed at the dream and sold Joseph. But the amazing intervention of God made it happen.



Reuben tried to save Joseph for the sake of his father.



The Bible keeps saying that they hated and tried to kill their brother and thus alludes that they were doing wrong. He didn’t forget that Joseph was his brother (26-27).


They made up to allude that Joseph was killed by an animal.

Just as he had deceived his father, he was deceived by his sons.


The Bible focuses on Jacob’s house. Note the words, ‘father’ and ‘son’ are frequently used. Verses 33-35 portray Jacob’s grief over the presumed death of his son.

All this doesn’t seem to be following the dreams. However, God would bring salvation to Jacob's family through this.


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