65. God’s Providence through Tamar’s Disguise (Gen 38:12-30)

Judah was not faithful to keep his family line, but God used Tamar’s deceit to continue his name. 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Gen 38:12-30

Find two verses that say Judah didn’t give Shelah to Tamar.

What did Tamar request as a pledge for future payment? (17-18)

When Judah heard about Tamar’s pregnancy, he said, (                                            ). But, after his shameful deed was disclosed, he said, “She is more (                  ) than I.”

Who came first from Tamar’s womb?


Answers and Meditation

14, 26

The Bible says that Judah was not faithful to continue his family line. For the same reason, Onan was killed.


Judah’s seal, cord, and staff

These three things uniquely identify Judah. Tamar wanted to ensure the baby's father was Judah, her father-in-law.


Bring her out and let her be burned,

more upright

 Although Tamar's actions may seem strange to us, there is evidence that among ancient Assyrian and Hittite peoples, part of the custom was that the levirate responsibility could pass to the father of the widow's husband if there was no brother to fulfill it. Thus, Tamar was only trying to acquire that to which she had a legal right."- from Genesis commentary by Aalders

One night's sleep made Tamar pregnant. God worked through Tamar's disguise to leave descendants for Judah. Note that his two sons, Er and Onan, were included in the list of names who went down to Egypt in chapter 46.

Judah wanted to reveal his righteousness by condemning Tamar, but this revealed Judah’s unrighteousness. And he repented genuinely and didn’t sleep with Tamar again.



Though the family line was at stake because of Judah, the Lord faithfully preserved his family line and made him the ancestor of Jesus.


Why did the author have Judah’s story here right after Joseph’s incident of Gen 37?

Chapters 37 – 50 are the story of Jacob’s family, rather than Joseph’s story. 37:2 says, ‘This is the account of Jacob.’ Jacob’s family had many problems and troubles: Reuben’s adultery with Jacob’s concubine, Dina’s rape, the massacre of Shechem by Simeon and Levi, Rachel’s death, and jealousy and hatred among his sons. And Judah’s unfaithfulness was another problem that would happen through many years after chapter 37.

Joseph’s incident was the climax of the family problems. But, the Lord will accomplish His good purpose for Jacob’s family through their evil deeds. It is like God brings salvation through the betrayal and death of Jesus.

Ch 38 foreshadows that the problem of Joseph will be solved through the Lord’s intervention. 


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