66. God was with Joseph in Prison (Gen 39:1-23)

Jacob's family was chosen as the source of blessings for the nations, but they were losing their identity due to the influence of Canaan's evil culture and brotherly conflict. You will see God, who was with Joseph, restores and protects this family.

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen 39:1-23

Find three verses saying that the Lord was Joseph.


How could Joseph keep himself from sinning? (9)


Though Joseph was faithful not to sin before God, he ended up in (             ).

Answers and Meditation


It was in Egypt, not Canaan, in Potiphar’s house, not his father’s house, and even in prison. The LORD was with Joseph. 

Wherever he was and whatever he did, the LORD made him successful. And they realized that (verses 3, 23)


He could not sin before God’s sight.

He was aware of God’s presence all the time. Daily walk with the Lord will protect you from sin.



Though Joseph was faithful to the Lord, he ended up in prison. 

You might fall into trouble even when you faithfully follow the Lord. Don't miss that the Lord has a bigger plan in your trials. Joseph was not imprisoned for no reason. God wants to restore Jacob’s family and make them a great nation in Egypt until the time of Exodus.

His priority was to follow God’s will, not to have a better life. No matter the place he was, God was with him.

Focus more on how to trust God and follow Him rather than how to get out of the present situation.

What matters is not where you are and what you do, but whether the Lord is with you or not.


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