67. Joseph Interpreted the Officers’ Dreams (Gen 40:1-23)

Joseph’s dreams made him sold to Egypt. Now, would their dreams take Joseph out of prison? Yes, but in His time.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Gen 40:1-23

What were the two officers’ jobs?


When they were wondering about the dreams, Joseph said, “Don’t interpretations belong to (            )? Tell them to me.”


Joseph asked the cupbearer to plead to Pharaoh for his release. However, he (              ) Joseph after his release.


Answers and Meditation

The cupbearer, the baker

They must be very high-rank officers, for they were in charge of Pharaoh’s food.



God plans, announces it to us in various ways, gives us the wisdom to interpret it, and shows us what to do. God reveals His works through His people.

This chapter repeats the words, ‘king of Egypt,’ ‘master,’ and ‘Pharaoh.’ He put them in prison in a rage (2) and lifted them up at his happy birthday (20). But he restored one and destroyed the other, whimsically (21-22). Pharaoh was sovereign in Egypt.

Who is sovereign, God or Pharaoh? This was an important question for the first reader of Genesis. And chapter 40 will show who the Sovereign is.


did not remember

Joseph had expected to get out of prison when the cupbearer was reinstated. But God’s time was not yet.


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