71. “Jacob, send your favorite son.” (Gen 42:25-38)

They brought grain to their father. But Jacob was frustrated when he heard Benjamin needed to go to Egypt.

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen 42:25-38

They loaded their (           ) and left. At a resting place, they found (            ) in the sack and exclaimed, ‘Why has (          ) done this to us?’ Now, they would be seen as [             ].

They needed to bring (               ) down to Egypt to get (                ) back to their father (                 ).

What was Jacob’s response to their report? (36, 38)


Reuben tried to persuade his father by saying, ‘You may put my (              ) if I do not bring Benjamin back to you.’

Answers and Meditation

Grain, money, God, thieves

Things got worse. Though Joseph had said that bringing Benjamin was to test them, his method to test their honesty was putting their money back into their sacks. Joseph knew they were telling the truth about their family. 

They acknowledged that God was doing this to them. Joseph did that.


Benjamin, Simeon, Jacob

Joseph's command demanded Jacob risk his favorite son to return his non-favorite son.

Their honesty will be proven before the lord of the land when they bring Benjamin. Jacob’s honesty (righteousness as their father) will be tested by sending his favorite son. Remember that honesty was one of those that lack in Jacob’s character.


“Everything is against me”

“My son will not go down there with you"

 God uses all environments and events to discipline His child. He will return to you to fix your vileness and weakness of sin.

Jacob called him 'my son' instead of 'Benjamin' or 'your brother' in front of his sons. He still shows favoritism. 

two sons

Reuben is another example of a not-right father.

The Bible uses the word ‘father’ many times in this passage. Jacob’s favoritism was one of the causes that broke down the unity of God’s chosen family. Through the command of Joseph, God is working on Jacob to make an honest (right) father of this chosen family. The discipline of Jacob’s favoritism came through his favorite son, Joseph.



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