72. Jacob Finally Sent Benjamin (Gen 43:1-14)

As the famine persisted, Jacob finally allowed them to take his favorite son to Egypt and prayed for God’s mercy.

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen 43:1-14

What is Jacob’s other name used here?


Who pledged to Jacob for the safe return of Benjamin?


As Jacob sent gifts and a double amount of money through them, he said, ‘May (                           ) grant you mercy! As for me, if I lose (                        ), I lose them.”

Answers and Meditation


This name was given to Jacob when he desperately prayed on the Jabbok ford. Now, he was that desperate.



“I will bear the blame before you all my life” This show Judah’s resolute will to bring Benjamin back.

In Chapter 37:26, Judah was the one who suggested selling Joseph instead of killing him.


The Sovereign God, my children

Jacob finally put down his obsession with Benjamin and entrusted his welfare to God. He had refused to send him at 42:38.

Until this time, Jacob had delayed sending Benjamin. He might have rather wanted to give up Simeon than risk Benjamin. But God didn’t allow that to happen. The famine was long enough that they needed to make a second trip. And Jacob needed to decide.

Judah pledged his brother’s safe return. Jacob entrusted Benjamin’s safety to the Lord. These tell the time for reconciliation has come.


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