76. God’s providence in their sinfulness (Gen 45:1-28)

 God’s providence in their sin

 Joseph interpreted his life in God’s providence and comforted his brothers. But, they were slow to believe the reconciliation.

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen 45:1-28

Joseph said to his brothers, “Do not be upset and do not be angry with yourselves because you sold me here, (            ) sent me ahead of you to preserve (           ).”

When Joseph asked for his father’s house to move down to Egypt, what did he promise to give them? (two, 10-11)


Joseph gave (            ) pieces of silver to Benjamin and sent many gifts to Jacob. What did he say to his brothers who were returning? (24)

Answers and Meditation

God, you (or your lives)

Joseph said three times ‘God sent’ him.

They sold Joseph to Egypt, but God used their evil to bring good for them: life not only for themselves but also for all nations.

This is God’s providence for our salvation. Jesus was handed over to be crucified by his disciple. Yet, God raised Him up and gives life to all nations.

Land, food

Joseph provided all they needed for living. The bible describes Joseph had a great authority and power (8, 18-20)

They sold  him as a slave, but the Lord raised him up as the ruler of all Egypt.

300, don’t be overcome with fear

They might fear of Joseph’s revenge even though Joseph had said that God had sent him to Egypt. We are slow to believe reconciliation with God. We often fear to approach to God. It is not of faith.


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