77. Jacob’s family to Egypt (Gen 46:1-34)

Jacob moved down to Egypt. His family was seventy in total. 

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Gen 46:1-34

God appeared to Jacob at (                ) and promised that He will (        ) down to Egypt and (               ) to Canaan with him.

Jacob’s family was seventy, only counting his sons and grandsons. Leah’s offspring: (        ). Zilpha’s offspring: (         ). Rachel’s offspring: (        ). Bilhah’s offspring: (        ).

Why did Joseph ask his brothers to announce that they were shepherds? (34)


Answers and Meditation

Beer Sheba, go, come back

God knew Jacob’s heart in fear who were leaven the promised land and comforted him. Making a great nation was supposed to be done in Egypt, not Canaan. That’s why God had said to Abraham this way, ‘Go to the land that I will show you.’ 


33, 16, 14, 7

They didn’t count Jacob, his wives, and his daughters.

Since Abraham came to Canaan with God’s promise of a great nation, the family grew up to a family of seventy. Now, this seventy would become a nation of six hundred thousand at the time of Exodus. God fulfilled his promise and made them a great nation.

Joseph wanted them to live at Goshen

Goshen was a remote place from civilized Egyptian towns and close to Canaan. They could stay uninfected by Egyptian culture and ready to leave anytime God says.

Joseph believed God would lead them out to Canaan someday. Goshen was the best place for them to grow as a nation. 

God had called Abraham, 'go to a place that I will show you.' God led him to Canaan at first. At Canaan, the famine made Abraham move down to Egypt, which was not God's will. But now, God leads his grandson Jacob to Egypt. After 400 years, the land of Canaan will be given to them. In Acts, they are called to go to all nations to make them disciples. 

The destination when Abraham was called was not a certain place on the earth, but the kingdom of God. Our final destination is the celestial city, not any place on this earth. 


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