80. Jacob's Unfair Blessing (Gen 49:1-21)

 Jacob’s unfair blessing

Jacob’s blessing for his sons foretells the future of each tribe.

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen Gen 49:1-21

Fill in the blanks with proper names

(              ): The scepter will not depart from him.

(              ): He got on his father’s bed

(              ): He is a strong-boned donkey

(              ): His brothers will praise him

(              ): I will scatter them in Israel.


Answers and Meditation


He will become the ancestor of David and Christ Jesus. He was blessed by his leadership and sacrifice in bringing Benjamin back from the trip to Egypt.



Jacob was angry at him because of his adultery with Bilhah. Later in Deuteronomy, Moses blessed Reuben this way, “Let Reuben live and not die, nor his people be few.” (Duet 33:6)






Simeon & Levi

They slaughtered the Shechemites when they were in pain of circumcision, in Gen 34. Jacob was upset with the presumptuous burst of their anger. According to Jacob’s words, they would live scattered among other tribes. However, Levi would be given the privilege of the priesthood because of their zeal for the Lord, shown in Ex 32.


God accomplished his blessing(?) in better ways. Though the tribes of Zebulun, Issachar, and Naphtali, the land of Galilee, were not blessed by their father, Jesus started His ministry in Galilee and called fishermen his chosen disciples.

God’s blessing through Jesus Christ overrides any other blessings in this world. Focus on the Lord and yearn for the blessing of Jesus


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