81. Jacob blessed Joseph in God's names. (Gen 49:22-33)

Jacob’s blessing for Joseph and Benjamin. His will.

πŸ‘‰ Read Gen Gen 49:22-33

 Joseph is a (              ) bough. He will be strong and prosper because of the hands of (                  ) of Jacob, because of (              ), the Rock of Israel. The blessings of his father will be on the brow of (                ) of his brothers.

Benjamin is a ravenous (               ).

After giving each of them an (              ) blessing, Jacob said, “I am about to go to (               ). Bury me with (                 ) in the cave of Machpelah.” He breathed his last breath and went to (             ).


Answers and Meditation

Fruitful, the Powerful One, the Shepherd, the prince

Only for Joseph's blessing, Jacob called for the Lord God. He called God as many names as many kinds of blessings for Joseph, while he didn’t mention God in the blessings for other sons. That much Jacob loved Joseph over his other sons.

Though Jacob loved Joseph the most, the blessing was limited to the earthly things because Jacob was carnal and short-sighted.

Jacob understood the covenantal blessing as earthly blessings and made Joseph his firstborn and heir. However, God made Judah the heir of the covenant because God chose David, the descendant of Judah.




Appropriate, my people, my fathers, his people

They said ‘return to his ancestors’ to mean death. 


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