02. The Birth of the Deliverer (Ex 2:1-22)

Their deliverer Moses was raised under Pharaoh’s provision. Grown-up Moses tried to help the Israelites, but his leadership was rejected. 

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 2:1-22

In the darkest hour, God prepares a deliverer for His people. (              ) tried to annihilate their all male babies, (              ) used his vicious order to prepare their savior in the house of (                 ), their enemy. 

When Moses was thrown into the river, the Pharaoh’s daughter felt (                   ) for him and drew him from the water. She hired (                             ) to nurse him.

Moses went out to (        ) people and tried to help them. But one of them said, “(             ) made you a (            ) and a (           ) over us?”

Moses named his son (                ), for he said, “I have become a resident foreigner in a foreign land.”

Answers and Meditation

Pharaoh, God, Pharaoh

God used Pharaoh’s evil plan to prepare and train Moses in the palace of Pharaoh.

God used their jealousy to let Jesus be crucified. God used Judas’ greed for Jesus to be betrayed. God makes all things work together for His good purpose.


Compassion, his mother

God put a compassionate heart in Pharaoh’s daughter. Although God is not visible and explicitly mentioned here, these are God’s works.


His, Who, ruler, judge

Moses wanted to look after his people. But not all of them welcomed his leadership.

“Who made you our leader?” The self-initiated ministry will quit when opposition arises. When you are confident that God has called you, you won’t give up even amid persecution.



He thought he was the right person to deliver his people. But he could not do anything in the foreign land. He must be disappointed in himself.

Yes, Moses was God’s chosen deliverer. But God’s time and God’s method were different. We are called for God’s kingdom. But, His methods might be different from ours.


God even uses human evil to accomplish His good will. He uses Pharaoh’s evil tactics to prepare the deliverer of His people.

 Such an ironical but amazing providence of God was found in Joseph’s story. God’s plan alluded in Joseph’s dream -> jealousy and hatred of his brothers -> Joseph was sold to slavery -> God’s plan for the global famine -> Joseph became the ruler of the land -> his brother came and bowed down.   

Jesus’ ministry shows the same pattern. When the religious leaders crucified Jesus, they wanted to show that God had cursed Jesus. But God raised Him up to the highest name.

Satan wanted God’s people to be punished by letting Jesus be betrayed and rejected by His people. But God even forgave those who had nailed His Son. Satan's attempt to separate God from his people rather revealed God's greater love.


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