05. The Source of Sufficiency (Ex 4:1-17)

Moses was not willing to go with two excuses. God encouraged him with miracles and confirmation.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 4:1-17

Three miracles that Moses would perform were the miracles of (               ), leprosy, and (              ).

Find the verses that explain the reason for those miracles. (Four verses in from 2-9)

The Lord said three things to Moses, who was saying he was not qualified to do that job. “I am the maker, (                            ).” “(                ) will become your prophet.” “Take this staff.”


Answers and Meditation

Snake, blood


1, 5, 8, 9

Those miracles were supposed to make people believe that the Lord had appeared to Moses.


I will be with your mouth. Aaron


Two reasons we hesitate to follow God’s instruction are these. 1) “It is not going to work. They won’t believe my message.” If you have such doubt, pray that God. He will show His power through you. 2) “I am not qualified for that job. I can’t do it.” You should trust God’s promise: I will be with you.

Because of Moses’ complaint, God assigned Aaron as his aide. But, later, this Aaron will lead the Israelites to the idolatry of the golden calf. Moses’ lack of faith brought a seed of unfaithfulness into the nation's leadership.

If we hesitate to follow God’s original instruction, God will give us the second option. For now, the second option seems better to our eyes. But later, we will know the original plan was better. Therefore, just follow God’s instruction.


The Lord is our source of sufficiency. 


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