07. Pharaoh’s Opposition as Foretold (Ex 5:1-23)

As the Lord had said, Pharaoh refused God’s order saying, “I do not know the Lord.”

๐Ÿ‘‰ Read Exodus 5:1-23

What was Pharaoh’s excuse for not sending the Israelites? (2)


Why did Pharaoh make their labor harder? (9)


People complained to (                         ), and Moses complained to (           ) about the worsened situation and God’s not delivering them. (20-23)

The Lord foretold Pharaoh’s refusal in 3:19 and 4:23. What was the Lord’s plan? (3:20, 4:23)


Answers and Meditation

“Who is the LORD? I do not know the LORD.”

The Hebrews were one of many foreign tribes under Egyptian slavery. Therefore, the god of the Hebrews wasn’t a threat to him, for he was a representative of the highest god of Egypt. He thought he was higher than any other god.

Because Pharaoh said he didn’t know God of the Hebrews, God performed many miracles to let Pharaoh know who God is.


To make them busy so they would not listen to Moses

This is the tactic of Satan. The world will make your life busy so that you will not come to the Lord. Busy? More come to the Lord!


Moses, God

God already foretold Pharaoh’s refusal. If Moses had remembered His words, he would not have complained to God. God’s work often comes against our plan, but according to His words, always.

Moses doubts God's good intentions. "You do not save your people." Don't doubt God's good intentions only by looking at what happens in your life.

The Lord will strike Egypt with wonders and kill the firstborn of Egypt.


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