20. Remember Salvation: the Firstborn Law and Unleavened Bread (Ex 13:1-16)

The Lord asked them to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the ordinance of the firstborn. It was to remember the Lord's mighty hand revealed during the Exodus.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 13:1-16

The Lord asked the Israelites to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread and the ordinance of the Firstborn. It was to remember the Lord’s deliverance.

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was to remember God’s mighty hand for their salvation and to encourage them to have the (          ) of the Lord in their (            ). (v8-9) 

As for the ordinance of the Firstborn, they need to sacrifice the first male offspring of every womb to the Lord or (             ) it with another animal.

Through this, they would remember God’s punishment on Pharaoh’s (                ) and salvation through redemptive sacrifice. (v14-15)


Answers and Meditation

The firstborns were supposed to be killed in Egypt. But they were saved by the blood. That’s why the firstborns belonged to the Lord.


Law, mouths, redeem, stubborn disobedience

“It will be for a sign on your hand and a memorial on your forehead” (verses 9 & 16)

“A mighty hand” repeats four times in verses 3, 9, 14, and 16.

The Lord asked them to keep two things to remember the Lord’s mighty hand shown in the exodus: the feast of Unleavened Bread and the ordinance of the firstborn.

Eating unleavened bread reminded them of how hurriedly they came out from Egypt, for the Lord’s hand was so strong upon the Egyptians. (3)

The ordinance of the firstborn reminded them of how the Lord’s mighty hand brought punishment against Pharaoh’s stubborn disobedience. (14-15)

Observing these two ordinances helped them to remember the Almighty God and obey His laws.  

“Sign on your hand and forehead”: let your deeds and thoughts be in accordance with God’s law without following Pharaoh’s example.

All firstborns of humans and animals belonged to the Lord and should be redeemed or offered to the Lord. An animal firstling was redeemed with a smaller animal. Unredeemed firstlings should be killed. A firstborn son was redeemed with five shekels (Numbers 18:16).

Your life belongs to the Lord, for He has redeemed you by the blood of Jesus. Devote your life to the Lord. Or He might take by Himself what belongs to Him.

Restore your spiritual routine: Bible reading, prayer, worship, and other required things. You will know more about the Lord and thus obey Him with a willing heart. 


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