21. God leads His people to spiritual growth (Ex 13:17-14:4)

The Lord led them to a detour on purpose.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 13:17-14:4

Why did the Lord not lead them to a shortcut?


 The Lord led them to a place with nowhere to go except the sea. And Pharaoh heard it and thought that they were wandering in the wilderness. Why did the Lord do so? (14:4)


 Answers and Meditation

They might return to Egypt in fear of war

For newborn Christians, God leads them to an easier way of less spiritual battle. However, later, God will lead them to battlefields. They will win the battle and get the prize. No battle, no victory, no prize.

The wilderness was where the Lord tested the Israelites for their trust in the Lord. In the land of Canaan, the Lord tested their love for God.

To let the Egyptians know the Lord

What does God mean by saying ‘I am the LORD’? He made a promise to a human and fulfilled it. He takes the initiative in delivering His people. He wants to reveal His identity through a mighty hand and saves His people through redemption. This is Jehovah, our God.

This character of God is unique compared to other pagan gods. They worked to benefit those who bring offerings. But our God works for His chosen people. He always takes initiative in his actions. He is not bound to any duty or obligation to bless anyone. He is the God of freedom and freewill.

Also, our God is sovereign over all things. While pagan gods depend on each other and need to cooperate sometimes.

‘Let them know that I am the LORD (YHWH).” He is not like anyone or any god in the world. Throughout our life’s journey, God leads us to know more about Him. The more you know Him, the more you love and trust Him. 


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