22. The Lord Fights for You: The Red Sea (Ex 14:5-31)

The Lord exercised great power over the Egyptians, and they believed in the Lord and his servant Moses. (14:31)

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 14:5-31

As they saw the Egyptian chariots approaching, they said, “We will (         ) in the desert.” But Moses said to them, “Do not (             )! Stand (            ) and see the (                ) of the Lord. The Lord will (           ) for you. You can be (             ).”

How did the Lord delay the Egyptian chariots while crossing?


What did the Egyptians say when they were trapped in panic? (25)


What would be the purpose of unexpected troubles in our life? (4, 18, 31)


Answers and Meditation

Die, fear, firm, salvation, fight, still

If you don’t trust in God, you would say, “I die.” Also, you would doubt God’s good purpose in His leading your life here, where you think of it as trouble. (11) And you would prefer to live in the slavery of this world than to fight against it as a freedman. (12)

The first thing to do is not to fear. Then, you can see God, who fights for you and have peace.

What the Lord has done or fought for them are these. The pillar of clouds separated the Egyptians from the Israelites. He divided the Red Sea. He jammed their wheels. He drowned them in the sea. 

The pillar of cloud blocked the Egyptian chariots.


The Lord fights for them against Egypt

Their own words confessed this.

The Lord’s way is always stunning. The Lord could destroy the Egyptians before arriving at the Israelite camp. Also, He could rain the fire of brimstones like He did at Sodom and Gomorrah. But, He took a different way.

The same God miraculously intervened in their situations, but the results were not the same: life and death. In the same place, the Lord’s people walked on the dry land (21, 29), but their enemies were drowned.

They had feared the sea in front of them, but the Lord divided the water and made way for them. They had feared the Egyptian chariots, but the Lord jammed their wheels and drowned them.

The Lord orchestrated this way to show the Israelites that He was the Lord who fought for them.


To know the Lord, to fear Him and trust Him.


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