23. The Song of Triumph (Ex 15:1-21)

They sang a song to the Lord after they had seen the great victory of the Lord.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 15:1-21

(           ) is my strength and my song;

He has become my (             )

In this song, God’s deliverance came from two attributes of God. “In the abundance of your (               ), you have overthrown those who rise up against you. By your (                 ), you will lead the people whom you have redeemed.”

Find verses that describe the Egyptians drowned in the sea (five)

What is God’s purpose in the Red Sea victory? (two, 14-16, 17-18)


 Answers and Meditation

The Lord, salvation

They had cried out to the Lord and complained to Moses at 14:10-11. The Lord has been with them always. But, they hadn’t realized that the Lord’s presence was enough reason for victory until the Red Sea crossing.

As long as the Lord is with us, we don’t need to worry about anything. The Lord protects and guides us to the extent that voluntary praise comes from our hearts.


Majesty, loyal love

God’s providence is mysterious. He showed his majestic power to the Egyptians and his loyal love to the Israelites. Why did He act differently? It was because the Egyptians acted against the Lord in arrogance (verses 7 & 9). Regarding the Israelites, the Lord chose and redeemed them to be His inheritance and dwelling place (verses 17-18)



Water represents the power of death in ancient theology.

“Dry land” (verse 19): God provided dry land in the creation (Gen 1:9) and dried up the land after the flood (Gen 8:1~14). Also, in chapter 14, the Lord made them cross the sea on dry ground (14:14,22,29).

The Lord provides what we need in whatever situation.


The nations will tremble in fear of the Lord.

His people will come and stay in the Lord’s presence.

It was to let all nations dare not attack Israel so they could settle down in Canaan well. Also, it was to make the Israelites revere and obey the Lord so that they could be the priest nation of God. 


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