26. Testing the Lord & Victory of the Lord (Ex 17:1-16)

Though they complained, the Lord provided water and victory.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 17:1-16

Why did they complain? (3)

Verses 5 – 6 emphasize that Modses performed the miracle of water in front of the elders as the Lord had commanded. It was to teach that the Lord was (           ) them (7) and that it was (             ), not Moses, who brought them out of Egypt.

At the battle with the Amalekites, (            ) went up to a mountain and prayed. (            ) led the Israelites to fight. (          ) and (           ) helped Moses’s prayer. Only when Moses’ hands were (          ), they won.

What are the two names? (7, 15-16)


Answers and Meditation

No water to drink

They blasphemed God’s intention in the exodus. They said Moses brought them out to die in the wilderness because of thirst. 


Among, the Lord

Though they saw the Lord’s miraculous victory in the Red Sea, they started doubting the Lord’s being with them when they suffered because of water. The water from a rock answered their question, ‘is the Lord with us?’ 

To the Lord, what matters more is to let them know that the Lord cared for them and provided their needs than to provide water. That's why the Lord showed their elders how the water came out.

When we are in trouble, the Lord more wants us to recognize the Lord’s power and love than to rescue us from the trouble. The Lord concerns your heart and your faith, not the problem itself, for there is nothing problematic in God’s viewpoint.


Moses, Joshua, Aaron, Hur, lifted

Prayer decided their defeat and win.

At the moment of battle, Joshua didn’t know why he was losing or winning, but those who were praying on the mount knew it. If you pray, you can see God’s work. If not, everything seems to you as a coincidence or luck; you cannot see God's face even though you experience His hand. 

Raising up the staff of God implies that Moses relied on God’s power.


Massah: they questioned, ‘Is the Lord among us or not?’

The Lord is my Banner: Jehovah Nissi

When they had doubted the Lord's presence among them, 'Is the Lord among us or not?' the Lord showed that He is not only among them but also becomes their victory. Amid your life's struggle, spiritual and physical, victory is in the Lord, not in our power.

Joshua needed to know this spiritual secret: the power of prayer. That’s why the Lord asked Moses to write down this event.

The Lord is my Banner: the Lord will fight against anyone who harms Israel. The leader, Joshua, should know this. Anyone who is against us will become God’s enemy. Only we need to pray. 


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