29.The Ten Commandments: be God's Special Possession (Ex 20:1-17)

Keeping the Ten Commandments will demonstrate who God is to the world.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 20:1-17

How does God have the authority to demand them to keep the Ten Commandments? (1)


What happens if we love things other than God? (5)


What is the reason God asked to keep the Sabbath? (8-11)


Memorize the Ten Commandments


Answers and Meditation

God brought them up from the house of slavery.

We are God’s possession.

God had not given this commandment while they were in slavery in Egypt. After they were released from bondage, the Lord gave them the law. You cannot serve God if you live in the slavery of sin, money, or your own desire or plan. God wants us to serve His kingdom with freed and willing hearts, not compulsive or obligated reluctant hearts.

The purpose of the law was to let them know the Lord and love Him as they followed His ways. It was not merely to make them restrain their lives without love and trust, which is another slavery.  


You will experience God’s jealousy

God wants our love, not mere reluctant obedience. Love should be the pure motivation of obedience. At the same time, as we obey God’s commands, we will learn more about God and love and trust Him.

When we love others, jealousy comes to God’s heart because He loves us. Note that God's jealousy is different from human jealousy. Human jealousy is from obsession and demands a victim for oneself. But divine jealousy is from pure love and sacrifices Himself for others.


God rested on the seventh day after creation

The Sabbath law reminded them of God’s ultimate good purpose in giving us His commands. It was to give us the rest of God.

The commands from the 1st to the 4th summarize ‘love your God,’ and the rest summarize ‘love your neighbors.’  Even though you literally keep all the commands, if you don't love God and your neighbors, you are violating the spirit of the law. If you say you love others but violate the Ten Commandments, you don't love God, and your love for others is not genuine but a selfish obsession. Love comes from God.


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