30. Messenger, No Image, and Sinfulness of the Flesh (Ex 20:18-26)

These three things uniquely characterize the religion of our God.

πŸ‘‰ Read Exodus 20:18-26

What was people’s response when they saw God speaking with Moses in thunder, clouds, and fire? (19-20)

Why did God let them see His speaking with them? (23)

God said about his altar. If you use your tool on it, you have (       ) it. You should be careful not to expose your (              ).


Answers and Meditation

They feared and asked God not to speak directly to them

God wanted to talk with them directly. When they saw God’s power, they thought God might kill them and feared Him. They did experience God’s power but not His heart. We experience God’s power and love through the cross. 

Here they wanted someone else to stand between them and God. But later, some called themselves the prophets of God and rebelled against Moses’ leadership.


Not to make images

God's presence is not through an image but in our worship.

They have not seen any images. Therefore, if you make an image representing God, it is not God. It is a dire warning to anyone who tries to visualize God’s presence or manipulate His works.

There is only one way we can bring God's power into our lives. It is our prayer in the name of His son Jesus.


Defiled, nakedness

Because humans are sinful by nature, anything that human thoughts involve is profane before God.

We should humble ourselves before the Holy God. Nakedness is the symbol of sinfulness. The core of sin resides in our innate nature, which the Bible denotes as ‘flesh.’ As Adam ate the fruit, he felt shame for his nakedness, his being of flesh.


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